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Information Technology (IT) Projects is a graduate course in the NYU Computer Science Department. This course teaches students how to apply their technical skills in a practical team-oriented context to build real world IT solutions for businesses, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.

For more information see NYU Information Technology Projects, and Course Description And Syllabus.

General Information

Title: Information Technology Projects
Code: CSCI-GA.3812-001
Semester: Summer, 2020
Location: TBA
Class Time: Mondays 5:30 - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Jean-Claude Franchitti
Email: jcf (followed by @, then cs, then a dot, then nyu, then a dot, and then edu)
Office Hours: Mondays 9:00-10:00 pm at WWH Room 309, or at other times by appointment
Grader: TBA
Misc:Capstone course for the NYU Master of Science in Information Systems
Calendar: Academic Calendar


Course material is available via NYU Classes.