Jet parameter |
significance |
Ace.EDTtype.fileName |
file name of a dictionary of
heads of entities, giving the type and subtype of the entity |
Ace.generic.fileName |
file name of a dictionary used
for identifying generic entities |
Ace.Year |
either 2003, 2004, or
2005: controls format of APF files and other year-specific
features |
Ace.Value.fileName |
file name of a dictionary of
heads of value phrases; if omitted, values are not extracted |
Time.fileName |
file name of a set of time
expression rules; if omitted, time expressions are not extracted |
Ace.RelationPatterns.fileName |
file name of a set of relation
patterns; if omitted, relations are not extracted | |
name of the directory containing
files with models for the various event classifiers (argument, argument role, event, event coreference) |
Ace.PerfectEntities |
if any non-null value is
assigned, generate entities matching those in an APF file
(corresponding to each document file) which should be placed in docDirectory and have file
extension .apf.xml |