During 0-1 each task completes its initiate During 1-2 Task 1 completes its request (i.e. the request is granted) Task 2 completes its request (i.e. the request is granted) Task 3's request cannot be granted During 2-3 First check blocked tasks: task 3's request cannot be granted Task 1 releases Task 2 completes its request (see below) During 3-4 First check blocked tasks: task 3's request cannot be granted Task 1's request cannot be granted Task 2's request exceeds its claim; aborted; 2 units available next cycle During 4-5 First check blocked tasks: Task 3 completes its request Task 1's request cannot be granted During 5-6 First check blocked tasks: Task 1's request cannot be granted Task 3 completes its request During 6-7 First check blocked tasks: Task 1's request cannot be granted Task 3 releases and is finished (at 7) During 7-8 First check blocked tasks: Task 1 completes its request During 8-9 Task 1 releases and is finished (at 9) NOTE: The reason task 2 could complete its request during 2-3 is *NOT* because task 1 did a release. The released item is not available until 3-4. The reason is that the state is safe *without* the item task 1 is releasing. Task 3's request, if granted, would have lead to an unsafe state.