The original input was: 3 0 1 5 1 0 1 5 1 3 1 5 1 The (sorted) input is: 3 0 1 5 1 0 1 5 1 3 1 5 1 This detailed printout gives the state and remaining burst for each process Before cycle 0: unstarted 0 unstarted 0 unstarted 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1804289383 Before cycle 1: running 1 ready 0 unstarted 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 846930886 Before cycle 2: blocked 1 ready 0 unstarted 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1681692777 Before cycle 3: running 1 ready 0 unstarted 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 1714636915 Before cycle 4: blocked 1 ready 0 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1957747793 Before cycle 5: running 1 ready 0 ready 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 424238335 Before cycle 6: blocked 1 ready 0 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 719885386 Before cycle 7: running 1 ready 0 ready 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 1649760492 Before cycle 8: blocked 1 ready 0 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 596516649 Before cycle 9: running 1 ready 0 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1189641421 Before cycle 10: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 1025202362 Before cycle 11: terminated 0 blocked 1 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1350490027 Before cycle 12: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 783368690 Before cycle 13: terminated 0 blocked 1 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1102520059 Before cycle 14: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 2044897763 Before cycle 15: terminated 0 blocked 1 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1967513926 Before cycle 16: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 1365180540 Before cycle 17: terminated 0 blocked 1 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 1540383426 Before cycle 18: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 304089172 Before cycle 19: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 1303455736 Before cycle 20: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 35005211 Before cycle 21: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 521595368 Before cycle 22: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 294702567 Before cycle 23: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 1726956429 Before cycle 24: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 336465782 Before cycle 25: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Find I/O burst when blocking a process 861021530 Before cycle 26: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Find burst when choosing ready process to run 278722862 Before cycle 27: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. The scheduling algorithm used was Uniprocessor Process 0: (A,B,C,IO) = (0,1,5,1) Finishing time: 9 Turnaround time: 9 I/O time: 4 Waiting time: 0 Process 1: (A,B,C,IO) = (0,1,5,1) Finishing time: 18 Turnaround time: 18 I/O time: 4 Waiting time: 9 Process 2: (A,B,C,IO) = (3,1,5,1) Finishing time: 27 Turnaround time: 24 I/O time: 4 Waiting time: 15 Summary Data: Finishing time: 27 CPU Utilization: 0.555556 I/O Utilization: 0.444444 Throughput: 11.111111 processes per hundred cycles Average turnaround time: 17.000000 Average waiting time: 8.000000