The original input was: 3 0 1 5 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 10 1 The (sorted) input is: 3 0 1 5 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 10 1 This detailed printout gives the state and remaining burst for each process Before cycle 0: unstarted 0 unstarted 0 unstarted 0. Before cycle 1: running 1 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 2: blocked 1 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 3: ready 0 blocked 1 running 1. Before cycle 4: running 1 ready 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 5: blocked 1 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 6: ready 0 blocked 1 running 1. Before cycle 7: running 1 ready 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 8: blocked 1 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 9: ready 0 blocked 1 running 1. Before cycle 10: running 1 ready 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 11: blocked 1 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 12: ready 0 blocked 1 running 1. Before cycle 13: running 1 ready 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 14: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 15: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 16: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 17: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 18: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 19: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 20: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 21: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 22: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 23: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 24: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 25: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. The scheduling algorithm used was Round Robbin Process 0: (A,B,C,IO) = (0,1,5,1) Finishing time: 13 Turnaround time: 13 I/O time: 4 Waiting time: 4 Process 1: (A,B,C,IO) = (0,1,5,1) Finishing time: 14 Turnaround time: 14 I/O time: 4 Waiting time: 5 Process 2: (A,B,C,IO) = (0,1,10,1) Finishing time: 25 Turnaround time: 25 I/O time: 9 Waiting time: 6 Summary Data: Finishing time: 25 CPU Utilization: 0.800000 I/O Utilization: 0.680000 Throughput: 12.000000 processes per hundred cycles Average turnaround time: 17.333334 Average waiting time: 5.000000