The original input was: 3 1 5 30 3 1 5 30 4 0 5 30 3 The (sorted) input is: 3 0 5 30 3 1 5 30 3 1 5 30 4 This detailed printout gives the state and remaining burst for each process Before cycle 0: unstarted 0 unstarted 0 unstarted 0. Before cycle 1: running 4 unstarted 0 unstarted 0. Before cycle 2: running 3 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 3: running 2 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 4: running 1 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 5: blocked 2 running 3 ready 0. Before cycle 6: blocked 1 running 2 ready 0. Before cycle 7: running 1 ready 1 ready 0. Before cycle 8: blocked 3 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 9: blocked 2 blocked 2 running 2. Before cycle 10: blocked 1 blocked 1 running 1. Before cycle 11: running 5 ready 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 12: running 4 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 13: running 3 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 14: running 2 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 15: running 1 ready 0 ready 0. Before cycle 16: blocked 2 running 3 ready 0. Before cycle 17: blocked 1 running 2 ready 0. Before cycle 18: running 3 ready 1 ready 0. Before cycle 19: running 2 ready 1 ready 0. Before cycle 20: running 1 ready 1 ready 0. Before cycle 21: blocked 3 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 22: blocked 2 blocked 2 running 4. Before cycle 23: blocked 1 blocked 1 running 3. Before cycle 24: running 2 ready 0 ready 2. Before cycle 25: running 1 ready 0 ready 2. Before cycle 26: blocked 1 running 2 ready 2. Before cycle 27: running 3 ready 1 ready 2. Before cycle 28: running 2 ready 1 ready 2. Before cycle 29: running 1 ready 1 ready 2. Before cycle 30: blocked 2 running 1 ready 2. Before cycle 31: blocked 1 blocked 3 running 2. Before cycle 32: running 4 blocked 2 ready 1. Before cycle 33: running 3 blocked 1 ready 1. Before cycle 34: running 2 ready 0 ready 1. Before cycle 35: running 1 ready 0 ready 1. Before cycle 36: blocked 1 running 5 ready 1. Before cycle 37: running 3 ready 4 ready 1. Before cycle 38: running 2 ready 4 ready 1. Before cycle 39: running 1 ready 4 ready 1. Before cycle 40: blocked 3 running 4 ready 1. Before cycle 41: blocked 2 running 3 ready 1. Before cycle 42: blocked 1 running 2 ready 1. Before cycle 43: running 3 ready 1 ready 1. Before cycle 44: running 2 ready 1 ready 1. Before cycle 45: running 1 ready 1 ready 1. Before cycle 46: blocked 2 running 1 ready 1. Before cycle 47: blocked 1 blocked 2 running 1. Before cycle 48: running 5 blocked 1 blocked 4. Before cycle 49: running 4 ready 0 blocked 3. Before cycle 50: terminated 0 running 3 blocked 2. Before cycle 51: terminated 0 running 2 blocked 1. Before cycle 52: terminated 0 running 1 ready 0. Before cycle 53: terminated 0 blocked 1 running 4. Before cycle 54: terminated 0 running 5 ready 3. Before cycle 55: terminated 0 running 4 ready 3. Before cycle 56: terminated 0 running 3 ready 3. Before cycle 57: terminated 0 running 2 ready 3. Before cycle 58: terminated 0 running 1 ready 3. Before cycle 59: terminated 0 blocked 1 running 3. Before cycle 60: terminated 0 running 4 ready 2. Before cycle 61: terminated 0 running 3 ready 2. Before cycle 62: terminated 0 running 2 ready 2. Before cycle 63: terminated 0 running 1 ready 2. Before cycle 64: terminated 0 blocked 2 running 2. Before cycle 65: terminated 0 blocked 1 running 1. Before cycle 66: terminated 0 running 3 blocked 4. Before cycle 67: terminated 0 running 2 blocked 3. Before cycle 68: terminated 0 running 1 blocked 2. Before cycle 69: terminated 0 blocked 1 blocked 1. Before cycle 70: terminated 0 running 4 ready 0. Before cycle 71: terminated 0 running 3 ready 0. Before cycle 72: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 2. Before cycle 73: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 74: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 4. Before cycle 75: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 3. Before cycle 76: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 2. Before cycle 77: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 78: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 5. Before cycle 79: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 4. Before cycle 80: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 3. Before cycle 81: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 2. Before cycle 82: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 83: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 2. Before cycle 84: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 85: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 4. Before cycle 86: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 3. Before cycle 87: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 2. Before cycle 88: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 89: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 90: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 91: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 3. Before cycle 92: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 2. Before cycle 93: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 94: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 4. Before cycle 95: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 3. Before cycle 96: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 2. Before cycle 97: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 98: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 3. Before cycle 99: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 2. Before cycle 100: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 101: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 2. Before cycle 102: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. Before cycle 103: terminated 0 terminated 0 blocked 1. Before cycle 104: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 2. Before cycle 105: terminated 0 terminated 0 running 1. The scheduling algorithm used was Preemptive Shortest Job First Process 0: (A,B,C,IO) = (0,5,30,3) Finishing time: 49 Turnaround time: 49 I/O time: 19 Waiting time: 0 Process 1: (A,B,C,IO) = (1,5,30,3) Finishing time: 71 Turnaround time: 70 I/O time: 14 Waiting time: 26 Process 2: (A,B,C,IO) = (1,5,30,4) Finishing time: 105 Turnaround time: 104 I/O time: 23 Waiting time: 51 Summary Data: Finishing time: 105 CPU Utilization: 0.857143 I/O Utilization: 0.457143 Throughput: 2.857143 processes per hundred cycles Average turnaround time: 74.333336 Average waiting time: 25.666666