My friend and I were looking at
Belady's Anomaly
The anomaly occurs when using a First In First Out algorithm for
page replacement in computer storage.
The basic idea is that for certain, specific cases it’s
possibly to generate more page faults with a higher number of page
frames than a lower number.
Having 3 frames may give 9 faults and strangely having 4 frames may
give 10 faults.
In classes and online, the common example looks like this:
012301401234 page requests
mmmmmmmhhmmh hit or miss
012301444233 frame 1
_01230111422 frame 2
__0123000144 frame 3
mmmmhhmmmmmm hit or miss
012333401234 frame 1
_01222340123 frame 2
__0111234012 frame 3
___000123401 frame 4
As you can see in the above example the page system with 3 frames has 9 misses or faults and the one with 4 frames has 10 misses. My friend and I were wondering if this pattern can be repeated. Meaning, could we make a finite string of requests and such that if we repeated it k times we’d get k more misses in the 4 frames system than the 3 frame system. Here's a simple modification of the string above that allows such a repetition:
start loop end loop
| |
5678|0123014012345678|... page requests
mmmm|mmmmmmmhhmmhmmmm| hit or miss
5678|0123014442335678| frame 1
_567|8012301114223567| frame 2
__56|7801230001443256| frame 3
mmmm|mmmmhhmmmmmmmmmm| hit or miss
5678|0123334012345678| frame 1
_567|8012223401234567| frame 2
__56|7801112340123456| frame 3
___5|6780001234012345| frame 4
So the string a=5678012301401234
is a repeatable
string of requests generating one more miss on the four-framer, per
occurrence of a.
I broke a up a little differently above to show that the
stacks are the same on both framers at the start and end of each
loop through a.