//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LinkedUnbndQueue.java by Dale/Joyce/Weems Chapter 5 // // Implements UnboundedQueueInterface using a linked list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- package ch05.queues; import support.LLNode; public class LinkedUnbndQueue implements UnboundedQueueInterface { protected LLNode front; // reference to the front of this queue protected LLNode rear; // reference to the rear of this queue public LinkedUnbndQueue() { front = null; rear = null; } public void enqueue(T element) // Adds element to the rear of this queue. { LLNode newNode = new LLNode(element); if (rear == null) front = newNode; else rear.setLink(newNode); rear = newNode; } public T dequeue() // Throws QueueUnderflowException if this queue is empty; // otherwise, removes front element from this queue and returns it. { if (isEmpty()) throw new QueueUnderflowException("Dequeue attempted on empty queue."); else { T element; element = front.getInfo(); front = front.getLink(); if (front == null) rear = null; return element; } } public boolean isEmpty() // Returns true if this queue is empty; otherwise, returns false. { if (front == null) return true; else return false; } }