//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // LinkedStack.java by Dale/Joyce/Weems Chapter 3 // // Implements UnboundedStackInterface using a linked list // to hold the stack elements. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- package ch03.stacks; import support.LLNode; public class LinkedStack implements UnboundedStackInterface { protected LLNode top; // reference to the top of this stack public LinkedStack() { top = null; } public void push(T element) // Places element at the top of this stack. { LLNode newNode = new LLNode(element); newNode.setLink(top); top = newNode; } public void pop() // Throws StackUnderflowException if this stack is empty, // otherwise removes top element from this stack. { if (!isEmpty()) { top = top.getLink(); } else throw new StackUnderflowException("Pop attempted on an empty stack."); } public T top() // Throws StackUnderflowException if this stack is empty, // otherwise returns top element from this stack. { if (!isEmpty()) return top.getInfo(); else throw new StackUnderflowException("Top attempted on an empty stack."); } public boolean isEmpty() // Returns true if this stack is empty, otherwise returns false. { if (top == null) return true; else return false; } }