CSCI-UA.102-004: Data Structures
2012-13 Spring—Allan Gottlieb
Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:45, 109 Ciww


Recitation and Recitation Leader

Our recitation section (CSCI-UA.102-005) meets Wednesdays 3:30-4:45 in room CIWW 109.
The recitation leader is Prasad Kapde pk1094 AT nyu DOT edu.

He is available for questions by email appointment.

Prasad had kindly prepared some material from the recitations.

Teaching Assistants / Graders

Your labs should be sent to one of our three graders/TA. Your grader is determined by the first letter of your last name.


Several labs will involve programming assignments. Please follow these guidelines, first produced by Robert Soule, the TA for operating systems during 2006-07 fall, and tweaked by many every since. As indicated in the guidelines, please include the following as the Subject: of your message ds-lab#-lastname-firstname, where # is replaced by the number of the lab, lastname is your last name in lower case, and firstname is your first name in lower case. For example, if I was submitting lab2 the subject would be ds-lab2-gottlieb-allan. Please send only the source and documentation (e.g., README) files packaged as one tar, tar.gz, or zip file. This file should be an attachment to the email message. Thank you.

Lab 6 is available.

Lab 5 is available.

Lab 4 is available.

Lab 3 is available.

Lab 2 is available.

Lab 1 is available.

Lecture Notes

These notes will be shown in class. They are designed for viewing, not printing. As a result, the printed page breaks may occur at awkward points. I do not advise printing them, but if you do, I suggest waiting until the class has been given as I am likely to revise them when preparing for class.

Other Resources

  1. My implementations of the book's files
  2. Sun API Documentation
  3. A brief Java generics tutorial
  4. A very serious FAQ on Java generics.
  5. Data structure animations


There will be an in-class midterm and a final exam during finals week. Practice exam will be available. Please do not plan any trips until the exam dates are settled.

The midterm will be in class 26 March 2013.

Here are some typical questions. Please note that I didn't not consider the length or balance of this practice midterm, but I very much do consider the balance and especially the length of real exams.

The answers are here.

The final exam will be in Room 109 WWH on Thurs May 16 at 4pm.

A practice final is here.

Answers to the practice final are here.

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-1:45 and by Appointment

Policy on academic integrity

Allan Gottlieb