Computer Architecture
Tues / Thurs 3:30-4:45
Room 317 CIWW
Allan Gottlieb



Lecture Notes

Tentative Sylabus


There will be an in class midterm and a final exam during exam week. Practice exams will be available. Please do not plan any trips until the exact dates are settled.

A practice midterm is here.

Answers to the practice midterm are here.

A practice final is here. It is too long; the real final will be shorter.

10-20% of the final exam will be fill-in-the-blank. Some typical questions are here.

Answers to the practice final (including the fill-ins) are here.

Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 1-1:50, and by email appointment

Teaching Assistant

Your labs should be sent via email to Elena Petrashen <>, the TA for this course.

Academic Integrity

Allan Gottlieb