Operating Systems

Start Lecture #5

Variants of Round Robin

  1. State dependent RR
  2. External priorities: RR but a user can pay more and get bigger q. That is, one process can be given a higher priority than another. But this is not an absolute priority: the lower priority (i.e., less important) process does get to run, but not as much as the higher priority process.

Priority Scheduling

Each job is assigned a priority (externally, perhaps by charging more for higher priority) and the highest priority ready job is run.

Priority aging

As a job is waiting, increase its priority; hence it will eventually have the highest priority.

Homework: 36, 37. Note that when the book says RR with each process getting its fair share, it means Processor Sharing.

Selfish RR (SRR, **, SRR, **)

SRR is a preemptive policy in which unblocked (i.e. ready and running) processes are divided into two classes the Accepted processes, which run RR and the others (perhaps SRR really stands for snobbish RR).


The behavior of SRR depends on the relationship between a and b (and zero).

It is not clear what is supposed to happen when a process blocks. Should its priority get reset to zero and have unblock act like create? Should the priority continue to grow (at rate a or b)? Should its priority be frozen during the blockage. Let us assume the first case (reset to zero) since it seems the simplest.

Approximating the Behavior of SFJ and PSJF

Recall that SFJ/PSFJ do a good job of minimizing the average waiting time. The problem with them is the difficulty in finding the job whose next CPU burst is minimal. We now learn three scheduling algorithms that attempt to do this. The first algorithm does it statically, presumably with some manual help; the other two are dynamic and fully automatic.

Multilevel Queues (**, **, MLQ, **)

Put different classes of processs in different queues

Multiple Queues (FB, MFQ, MLFBQ, MQ)

As with multilevel queues above we have many queues, but now processes move from queue to queue in an attempt to dynamically separate batch-like from interactive processs so that we can favor the latter.

Shortest Process Next

An attempt to apply sjf to interactive scheduling. What is needed is an estimate of how long the process will run until it blocks again. One method is to choose some initial estimate when the process starts and then, whenever the process blocks choose a new estimate via

    NewEstimate = A*OldEstimate + (1-A)*LastBurst
where 0<A<1 and LastBurst is the actual time used during the burst that just ended.

Highest Penalty Ratio Next (HPRN, HRN, **, **)

Run the process that has been hurt the most.

Guaranteed Scheduling

A variation on HPRN. The penalty ratio is a little different. It is nearly the reciprocal of the above, namely
   t / (T/n)
where n is the multiprogramming level. So if n is constant, this ratio is a constant times 1/r.

Lottery Scheduling

Each process gets a fixed number of tickets and at each scheduling event a random ticket is drawn (with replacement) and the process holding that ticket runs for the next interval (probably a RR-like quantum q).

On the average a process with P percent of the tickets will get P percent of the CPU (assuming no blocking, i.e., full quanta).

Fair-Share Scheduling

If you treat processes fairly you may not be treating users fairly since users with many processes will get more service than users with few processes. The scheduler can group processes by user and only give one of a user's processes a time slice before moving to another user.

Fancier methods have been implemented that give some fairness to groups of users. Say one group paid 30% of the cost of the computer. That group would be entitled to 30% of the cpu cycles providing it had at least one process active. Furthermore a group earns some credit when it has no processes active.

Theoretical Issues

Considerable theory has been developed.

Medium-Term Scheduling

In addition to the short-term scheduling we have discussed, we add medium-term scheduling in which decisions are made at a coarser time scale.

Recall my favorite diagram, shown again on the right. Medium term scheduling determines the transitions from the top triangle to the bottom line. We suspend (swap out) some process if memory is over-committed dropping the (ready or blocked) process down. We also need resume transitions to return a process to the top triangle.

Criteria for choosing a victim to suspend include:

We will discuss medium term scheduling again when we study memory management.

Long Term Scheduling

This is sometimes called Job scheduling.

  1. The system decides when to start jobs, i.e., it does not necessarily start them when submitted.
  2. Used at many supercomputer sites.

A similar idea (but more drastic and not always so well coordinated) is to force some users to log out, kill processes, and/or block logins if over-committed.

2.4.4 Scheduling in Real Time Systems


2.4.5 Policy versus Mechanism


2.4.6 Thread Scheduling


Review Homework Assigned Last Time

Lab 2 (Scheduling) Discussion

Show the detailed output

  1. In FCFS see the affect of A, B, C, and I/O
  2. In RR see how the cpu burst is limited.
  3. Note the intital sorting to ease finding the tie breaking process.
  4. Note show random.
  5. Comment on how to do it: (time-based) discrete-event simulation (DES).
    1. DoBlockedProcesses()
    2. DoRunningProcesses()
    3. DoCreatedProcesses()
    4. DoReadyProcesses()
  6. For processor sharing need event-based DES.