Operating Systems

Start Lecture #12

4.4.3 File System Consistency

Modern systems have utility programs that check the consistency of a file system. A different utility is needed for each file system type in the system, but a wrapper program is often created so that the user is unaware of the different utilities.

The unix utility is called fsck (file system check) and the window utility is called chkdsk (check disk).

Bad blocks on disks

Not so much of a problem now. Disks are more reliable and, more importantly, disks and disk controllers take care most bad blocks themselves.

4.4.4 File System Performance


Demand paging again!

Demand paging is a form of caching: Conceptually, the process resides on disk (the big and slow medium) and only a portion of the process (hopefully a small portion that is heavily access) resides in memory (the small and fast medium).

The same idea can be applied to files. The file resides on disk but a portion is kept in memory. The area in memory used to for those file blocks is called the buffer cache or block cache.

Some form of LRU replacement is used.

The buffer cache is clearly good and simple for reads.

What about writes?

Homework: 27.

Block Read Ahead

When the access pattern looks sequential read ahead is employed. This means that after completing a read() request for block n of a file. The system guesses that a read() request for block n+1 will shortly be issued so it automatically fetches block n+1.

Reducing Disk Arm Motion

Try to place near each other blocks that are going to be accessed sequentially.

  1. If the system uses a bitmap for the free list, it can allocate a new block for a file close to the previous block (guessing that the file will be accessed sequentially).

  2. The system can perform allocations in super-blocks, consisting of several contiguous blocks.
  3. For a unix-like file system, the i-nodes can be placed in the middle of the disk, instead of at one end, to reduce the seek time to access an i-node followed by a block of the file.

  4. The system can logically divide the disk into cylinder groups, each of which is a consecutive group of cylinders.

4.4.5 Defragmenting Disks

Basically skipped. If clustering is not done, files can become spread out all over the disk and a utility (defrag on windows) should be run to make the files contiguous on the disk.

4.5 Example File Systems

4.5.A The CP/M File System

CP/M was a very early and simple OS. It ran on primitive hardware with very little ram and disk space. CP/M had only one directory in the entire system. The directory entry for a file contained pointers to the disk blocks of the file. If the file contained more blocks than could fit in a directory entry, a second entry was used.

4.5.1 CD-ROM File Systems

File systems on cdroms do not need to support file addition or deletion and as a result have no need for free blocks. CD-R (recordable) do permit files to be added, but they are always added at the end of the disk. The space allocated to a file is not recovered even when the file is deleted so the free list is simply the blocks after the last file recorded.

The result is that the file systems for these devices are quite simple.

The ISO9660 File System

The basic file system for essentially all data cdroms (music cdroms are different and are not discussed). Most Unix systems use iso9660 with the Rock Ridge extensions and most windows systems use iso9660 with the joliet extensions.

The standard permits a single physical cd to be partitioned and permits a cdrom file system to span many physical cd. However, these features are rarely used and we will not discuss them.

Since files do not change each directory entry need only give the starting location and length of a file.

File names are 8+3 characters (directory names just 8) for iso9660-level-1 and 31 characters for -level-2. There is also a -level-3 in which a file is composed of extents which can be shared among files and even with a single file (i.e. a single physical extent can occur multiple times in a given file).

Directories can be nested only 8 deep.

Rock Ridge Extensions

The Rock Ridge extensions were designed by a committee from the unix community to permit a unix file system to be copied to a cdrom without information loss.

These extensions included.

  1. The unix rwx bits for permissions.
  2. Major and Minor numbers to support special files, i.e. including devices in the file system name structure.
  3. Symbolic links.
  4. An alternate (long) name for files and directories.
  5. A somewhat kludgy work around for the limit nesting levels.
  6. Unix timestamps (creation, last access, last modification).

Joliet Extensions

The Joliet extensions were designed by Microsoft to permit a windows file system to be copied to a cdrom without information loss.

These extensions included.

  1. Long file names.
  2. Unicode.
  3. Arbitrary depth of directory nesting.
  4. Directory names with extensions.

4.4.3 The MS-DOS File System

MS-DOS and Windows (FAT)

This file system has been supported since the first IBM PC (1981) and is still used. Indeed considering the number of cameras and MP3 players, it is very widely used.

Unlike CP/M, MS-DOS always had support for subdirectories and metadata such as date and size.

File names were restricted to 8+3.

As described above, the directory entries pointed to the first block of the file and the FAT has the pointers to the remaining blocks.

The free list was supported by using a special code in the FAT for free blocks.

The first version FAT-12 used 12-bit block numbers so a partition could not exceed 212 blocks. A subsequent release went to FAT-16.

4.4.4 The Windows 98 File System

Two changes were made: Long file names were supported and the file allocation table was switched from FAT-16 to FAT-32. These changes first appeared in the second release of Windows 95.

The hard part was keeping compatibility with the old 8+3 naming rule. That is new file systems created with windows 98 using long file names must be accessible if the file system is used with an older version of windows that supported only 8+3 file names. This is called backwards compatibility.

A file has two names a long one and an 8+3 one. The primary directory entry for a file in windows 98 is the same format as it was in MS-DOS and contains the 8+3 file. If the long name fits the 8+3 format, the story ends here.

If the long name does not fit the 8+3, an 8+3 version is produce via an algorithm, that works but produces names with severely limited aesthetic value. The long name is stored in one or more axillary directory entries directly before the main entry. These axillary entries are set up to appear invalid to the old OS, which (happily?) ignores them.

FAT-32 used 32 bit words for the block numbers (actually, it used 28 bits) so the FAT could be huge. Windows 98 kept only a portion of the FAT-32 table in memory at a time. (I do not know the replacement policy, number of blocks kept in memory, etc).

4.4.5 The Unix V7 File System

We presented the i-node system in some detail above. Here we add a few more points.

4.6 Research on File Systems


4.6 Summary (read)