Operating Systems

Start Lecture #9

Remark: Lab 4 is due in two weeks from today, 9 April 2008.

3.5.8 Cleaning Policy (Paging Daemons)

Done earlier

The only point to add is now that we know replacement algorithms one can suggest an implementation. If a clock-like algorithm is used for victim selection, one can have a two handed clock with one hand (the paging daemon) staying ahead of the other (the one invoked by the need for a free frame).

The front hand simply writes out any page it hits that is dirty and thus the trailing hand is likely to see clean pages and hence is more quickly able to find a suitable victim.

3.5.9 Virtual Memory Interface


3.6 Implementation Issues

3.6.1 Operating System Involvement with Paging

When must the operating system be involved with paging?

3.6.2 Page Fault Handling

What happens when a process, say process A, gets a page fault? Compare the following with the processing for a trap command and for an interrupt.

  1. The hardware detects the fault and traps to the kernel (switches to supervisor mode and saves state).

  2. Some assembly language code save more state, establishes the C-language (or another programming language) environment, and calls the OS.

  3. The OS determines that a page fault occurred and which page was referenced.

  4. If the virtual address is invalid, process A is killed. If the virtual address is valid, the OS must find a free frame. If there is no free frames, the OS selects a victim frame. Call the process owning the victim frame, process B. (If the page replacement algorithm is local, the B=A.)

  5. The PTE of the victim page is updated to show that the page is no longer resident.

  6. If the victim page is dirty, the OS schedules an I/O write to copy the frame to disk and blocks A waiting for this I/O to occur. As we know, this is really not what happens since there is always a free frame thanks to the page cleaning daemon.

  7. Assuming process A needed to be blocked (i.e., the victim page is dirty) the scheduler is invoked to perform a context switch.
  8. Now the O/S has a free frame (this may be much later in wall clock time if a victim frame had to be written). The O/S schedules an I/O to read the desired page into this free frame. Process A is blocked (perhaps for the second time) and hence the process scheduler is invoked to perform a context switch.

  9. Again, another process is selected by the scheduler as above and eventually a Disk interrupt occurs when the I/O completes (trap / asm / OS determines I/O done). The PTE in process A is updated to indicate that the page is in memory.

  10. The O/S may need to fix up process A (e.g. reset the program counter to re-execute the instruction that caused the page fault).

  11. Process A is placed on the ready list and eventually is chosen by the scheduler to run. Recall that process A is executing O/S code.

  12. The OS returns to the first assembly language routine.

  13. The assembly language routine restores registers, etc. and returns to user mode.

The user's program running as process A is unaware that all this happened (except for the time delay).

3.6.3 Instruction Backup

A cute horror story. The 68000 was so bad in this regard that an early demand paging system for the 68000, used two processors one running one instruction behind. If the first got a page fault, there wasn't always enough information to figure out what to do so (for example did a register pre-increment occur), the system switched to the second processor after bringing in the faulting page. The next generation machine, the 68010, provided extra information on the stack so the horrible 2-processor kludge was no longer necessary.

Don't worry about instruction backup; it is very machine dependent and modern implementations tend to get it right.

3.6.4 Locking (Pinning) Pages in Memory

We discussed pinning jobs already. The same (mostly I/O) considerations apply to pages.

3.6.5 Backing Store

The issue is where on disk do we put pages that are not in frames.

Homework: Assume every memory reference takes 0.1 microseconds to execute providing the reference page is memory resident. Assume a page fault takes 10 milliseconds to service providing the necessary disk block is actually on the disk. Assume a disk block fault takes 10 seconds service. So the worst case time for a memory reference is 10.0100001 seconds. Finally assume the program requires that a billion memory references be executed.

  1. If the program is always completely resident, how long does it take to execute?
  2. If 0.1% of the memory references cause a page fault, but all the disk blocks are on the disk, how long does the program take to execute and what percentage of the time is the program waiting for a page fault to complete?
  3. If 0.1% of the memory references cause a page fault and 0.1% of the page faults cause a disk block fault, how long does the program take to execute and what percentage of the time is the program waiting for a disk block fault to complete?

3.6.6 Separation of Policy and Mechanism


3.7 Segmentation

Up to now, the virtual address space has been contiguous.

Homework: Explain the difference between internal fragmentation and external fragmentation. Which on occurs in paging systems? Which one occurs in systems using pure segmentation?

** Two Segments

Late PDP-10s and TOPS-10

** Three Segments

Traditional (early) Unix shown at right.

** Four Segments

Just kidding.

** General (Not Necessarily Demand) Segmentation

Segmentation is a user-visible division of a process into multiple variable-size segments. It enables fine-grained sharing and protection. For example, one can share the text segment in early unix.

With segmentation, the virtual address has two components: the segment number and the offset in the segment.

Segmentation does not mandate how the program is stored in memory.

Any segmentation implementation requires a segment table with one entry for each segment.

The address translation for segmentation is
    (seg#, offset) --> if (offset<limit) base+offset else error.

3.7.1 Implementation of Pure Segmentation

Pure Segmentation means segmentation without paging.

Segmentation, like whole program swapping, exhibits external fragmentation (sometimes called checkerboarding. (See the treatment of OS/MVT for a review of external fragmentation and whole program swapping). Since segments are smaller than programs (several segments make up one program), the external fragmentation is not as bad as with whole program swapping. But it is still a problem.

As with whole program swapping, compaction can be employed.


Programmer awareNoYes
How many addr spaces1Many
VA size > PA sizeYesYes

Protect individual
procedures separately

Accommodate elements
with changing sizes

Ease user sharingNoYes

Why invented let the VA size
exceed the PA size
Sharing, Protection,
independent addr spaces

Internal fragmentation YesNo, in principle
External fragmentationNoYes
Placement questionNoYes
Replacement questionYesYes

** Demand Segmentation

Same idea as demand paging, but applied to segments.

The table on the right compares demand paging with demand segmentation. The portion above the double line is from Tanenbaum.

** 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 Segmentation With (Demand) Paging

These two sections of the book cover segmentation combined with demand paging in two different systems. Section 3.7.2 covers the historic Multics system of the 1960s (it was coming up at MIT when I was an undergraduate there). Multics was complicated and revolutionary. Indeed, Thompson and Richie developed (and named Unix) partially in rebellion to the complexity of Multics. Multics is no longer used.

Section 3.7.3 covers the Intel Pentium hardware, which offers a segmentation+demand-paging scheme that is not used by any of the current operating systems (OS/2 used it in the past). The Pentium design permits one to convert the system into a pure damand-paging scheme and that is the common usage today.

I will present the material in the following order.

  1. Describe segmentation+paging (not demand paging) generically, i.e. not tied to any specific hardware or software.
  2. Note the possibility of using demand paging (again generically).
  3. Give some details of the Multics implementation.
  4. Give some details of the Pentium hardware, especially how it can emulate straight demand paging.

** Segmentation With (non-demand) Paging

One can combine segmentation and paging to get advantages of both at a cost in complexity. In particular, user-visible, variable size segments are the most appropriate units for protection and sharing; the addition of (non-demand) paging eliminates the placement question and external fragmentation (at the small average cost of 1/2 page internal fragmentation per segment).

The basic idea is to employ (non-demand) paging on each segment. A segmentation plus paging scheme has the following properties.

Although it is possible to combine segmentation with non-demand paging, I do not know of any system that did this.

Homework: 36.

Homework: Consider a 32-bit address machine using paging with 8KB pages and 4 byte PTEs. How many bits are used for the offset and what is the size of the largest page table? Repeat the question for 128KB pages. So far this question has been asked before. Repeat both parts assuming the system also has segmentation with at most 128 segments.

** Segmentation With Demand Paging

There is very little to say. The previous section employed (non-demand) paging on each segment. For the present scheme, we employ demand paging on each segment, that is we perform fetch-on-demand for the pages of each segment.

The Multics Scheme

Multics was the first system to employ segmentation plus demand paging. The implementation was as described above with just a few wrinkles, some of which we discuss now together with some of the parameter values.

The Pentium Scheme

The Pentium design implements a trifecta: Depending on the setting of a various control bits the Pentium scheme can be pure demand-paging, pure segmentation, or segmentation with demand-paging.

The Pentium supports 214=16K segments, each of size up to 232 bytes.

Once the 32-bit segment base and the segment limit are determined, the 32-bit address from the instruction itself is compared with the limit and, if valid, is added to the base and the sum is called the 32-bit linear address. Now we have three possibilities depending on whether the system is running in pure segmentation, pure demand-paging, or segmentation plus demand-paging mode.

  1. In pure segmentation mode the linear address is treated as the physical address and memory is accessed.

  2. In segmentation plus demand-paging mode, the linear address is broken into three parts since the system implements 2-level-paging. That is, the high-order 10 bits are used to index into the 1st-level page table (called the page directory). The directory entry found points to a 2nd-level page table and the next 10 bits index that table (called the page table). The PTE referenced points to the frame containing the desired page and the lowest 12 bits of the linear address (the offset) finally point to the referenced word. If either the 2nd-level page table or the desired page are not resident, a page fault occurs and the page is made resident using the standard demand paging model.

  3. In pure demand-paging mode all the segment bases are zero and the limits are set to the maximum. Thus the 32-bit address in the instruction become the linear address without change (i.e., the segmentation part is effectively) disabled. Then the (2-level) demand paging procedure just described is applied.

    Current operating systems for the Pentium use this last mode.

3.8 Research on Memory Management


3.9 Summary


Some Last Words on Memory Management

We have studied the following concepts.

Chapter 4 File Systems

There are three basic requirements for file systems.

  1. Size: Store very large amounts of data.
  2. Persistence: Data survives the creating process.
  3. Concurrent Access: Multiple processes can access the data concurrently.

High level solution: Store data in files that together form a file system.

4.1 Files

4.1.1 File Naming

Very important. A major function of the file system is to supply uniform naming. Unix-like operating systems extend the name space of files to encompass devices as well

Does each file have a unique name?
Answer: Often no. We will discuss this below when we study links.

File Name Extensions

The extensions are suffixes attached to the file names and are intended to in some why describe the high-level structure of the file's contents.

For example, consider the .html extension in class-notes.html, the name of the file we are viewing. Depending on the system and application, these extensions can have little or great significance. The extensions can be

  1. Conventions just for humans. For example letter.teq (my convention) signifies to me that this letter is written the in troff text formatting language and uses the eqn preprocessor to handle mathematical equations. Neither linux, troff, nor equ place any significance in the .teq extension.

  2. Conventions giving default behavior for some programs.
  3. Default behaviors for the operating system or window manager or desktop environment.
  4. Required for certain programs.
  5. Required by the operating system

Case Sensitive?

Should file names be case sensitive. For example, do x.y, X.Y, x.Y all name the same file? There is no clear answer.

4.1.2 File Structure

How should the file be structured. Alternatively, how does the OS interpret the contents of a file.

A file can be interpreted as a

  1. Byte stream
  2. (fixed size-) Record stream: Out of date
  3. Varied and complicated beast.

4.1.3 File Types

The traditional file is simply a collection of data that forms the unit of sharing for processes, even concurrent processes. These are called regular files.

The advantages of uniform naming have encouraged the inclusion in the file system of objects that are not simply collections of data.

Regular Files

Some regular files contain lines of text and are called (not surprisingly) text files or ascii files. Each text line concludes with some end of line indication: on unix this is a newline (a.k.a line feed) in MS-DOS it is the two character sequence carriage return followed by newline.

Ascii, with only 7 bits per character, is poorly suited for most human languages other than English. Latin-1 (8 bits) is a little better with support for most Western European Languages.

Perhaps, with growing support for more varied character sets, ascii files will be replaced by unicode (16 bits) files. The Java and Ada programming languages (and perhaps others) already support unicode.

An advantage of all these formats is that they can be directly printed on a terminal or printer.

Other regular files, often referred to as binary files, do not represent a sequence of characters. For example, a four-byte, twos-complement representation of integer in the range from roughly -2 billion to +2 billion is definitely not to be thought of as 4 latin-1 characters, one per byte.

Just because a file is unstructured (i.e., is a byte stream) from the OS perspective does not mean that applications cannot impose structure on the bytes. So a document written without any explicit formatting in MS word is not simply a sequence of ascii (or latin-1 or unicode) characters.

On unix, an executable file must begin with a certain magic number in the first few bytes. For a native executable, the remainder of the file has a well defined format.

Another option is for the magic number to be the ascii representation of the two characters #! in which case the next word gives the location of the executable program that is to be run with the current file fed in as input. That is how interpreted (as opposed to compiled) languages work in unix.
    perl script

Strongly Typed Files

In some systems the type of the file (which is often specified by the extension) determines what you can do with the file. This make the easy and (hopefully) common case easier and, more importantly, safer.

It tends to make the unusual case harder. For example, you have a program that turns out data (.dat) files. Now you want to use it to turn out a java file, but the type of the output is data and cannot be easily converted to type java and hence cannot be given to the java compiler.