Old Announcements

6 May 2003: Answers to the practice final are posted.

8 April 2003 Answers for lab3 are on the web. See the email t the mailing list for an explanation. Also a clarification has been put into the assignment. This was discussed in class today and mail sent to the mailing list. The assignment has not been changed, just a clarification of a hint I gave.

1 April 2003 The third lab was assigned today. See below for details.

25 Mar 2003 Thursday's (27 Mar( office hour is moved to 3:30-4:30.

25 Mar 2003 Lab 2 deadline extended one week and answers are posted (including a new input).

11 Mar 2003 Today's office hour is moved to 12:45-1:45.

7 Mar 2003 Answers to the practice midterm are here

26 Feb 2003 There is a department meeting tomorrow at 12:30 so for tomorrow only the office hour will be 11:30-12:30

25 Feb 2003 The midterm will be on Tuesday march 11. A much too long practice midterm is available in pdf, postscript, and text.

25 Feb 2003 Lab 2 is assigned.

27 January: The office hour this thurs will be from 11:30-12:30 (another departmental meeting).

12 January: There will no office hour on 23 January (department meeting).

Allan Gottlieb