Operating Systems
================ Start Lecture #10 ================
Note: Do the homework problem assigned at the end of last
Processor Sharing (PS, **, PS, PS)
Merge the ready and running states and permit all ready jobs to be run
at once. However, the processor slows down so that when n jobs are
running at once, each progresses at a speed 1/n as fast as it would if
it were running alone.
- Clearly impossible as stated due to the overhead of process
- Of theoretical interest (easy to analyze).
- Approximated by RR when the quantum is small. Make
sure you understand this last point. For example,
consider the last homework assignment (with zero context switch time)
and consider q=1, q=.1, q=.01, etc.
Homework: 34.
Variants of Round Robin
- State dependent RR
- Same as RR but q is varied dynamically depending on the state
of the system.
- Favor processes holding important resources.
- For example, non-swappable memory.
- Perhaps this should be considered medium term scheduling
since you probably do not recalculate q each time.
- External priorities: RR but a user can pay more and get
bigger q. That is one process can be given a higher priority than
another. But this is not an absolute priority: the lower priority
(i.e., less important) process does get to run, but not as much as the
higher priority process.
Priority Scheduling
Each job is assigned a priority (externally, perhaps by charging
more for higher priority) and the highest priority ready job is run.
Similar to ``External priorities'' above
If many processes have the highest priority, use RR among them.
Can easily starve processes (see aging below for fix).
Can have the priorities changed dynamically to favor processes
holding important resources (similar to state dependent RR).
Many policies can be thought of as priority scheduling in which we
run the job with the highest priority (with different notions of
priority for different policies).
Priority aging
As a job is waiting, raise its priority so eventually it will have the
maximum priority.
- This prevents starvation (assuming all jobs terminate or the
policy is preemptive).
- There may be many processes with the maximum priority.
- If so, can use FIFO among those with max priority (risks
starvation if a job doesn't terminate) or can use RR.
- Can apply priority aging to many policies, in particular to priority
scheduling described above.
Selfish RR (SRR, **, SRR, **)
- Preemptive.
- Perhaps it should be called ``snobbish RR''.
- ``Accepted processes'' run RR.
- Accepted process have their priority increase at rate b>=0.
- A new process starts at priority 0; its priority increases at rate a>=0.
- A new process becomes an accepted process when its priority
reaches that of an accepted process (or when there are no accepted
- Once a process is accepted it remains accepted until it terminates.
- Note that at any time all accepted processes have same priority.
- If b>=a, get FCFS.
- If b=0, get RR.
- If a>b>0, it is interesting.
Shortest Job First (SPN, SJF, SJF, SJF)
Sort jobs by total execution time needed and run the shortest first.
- Nonpreemptive
- First consider a static situation where all jobs are available in
the beginning and we know how long each one takes to run.
For simplicity lets consider ``run-to-completion'', also called
``uniprogrammed'' (i.e., we don't even switch to another
process on I/O).
In this situation, uniprogrammed SJF has the shortest average
waiting time
- Assume you have a schedule with a long job right before a
short job.
- Consider swapping the two jobs.
- This decreases the wait for
the short by the length of the long job and increases the wait of the
long job by the length of the short job.
- This decreases the total waiting time for these two.
- Hence decreases the total waiting for all jobs and hence decreases
the average waiting time as well.
- Hence, whenever a long job is right before a short job, we can
swap them and decrease the average waiting time.
- Thus the lowest average waiting time occurs when there are no
short jobs right before long jobs.
- This is uniprogrammed SJF.
- In the more realistic case of true SJF where the scheduler
switches to a new process when the currently running process
blocks (say for I/O), we should call the policy shortest
next-CPU-burst first.
- The difficulty is predicting the future (i.e., knowing in advance
the time required for the job or next-CPU-burst).
- This is an example of priority scheduling.
Homework: 39, 40 (note that when he says RR with
each process getting its fair share, he means PS).