Operating System
================ Start Lecture #6 ================
Deadline scheduling
This is used for real time systems. The objective of the scheduler is
to find a schedule for all the tasks (there are a fixed set of tasks)
so that each meets its deadline. The run time of each task is known
in advance.
Actually it is more complicated.
- Periodic tasks
- What if we can't schedule all task so that each meets its deadline
(i.e., what should be the penalty function)?
- What if the run-time is not constant but has a known probability
We do not cover deadline scheduling in this course.
The name game
There is an amazing inconsistency in naming the different
(short-term) scheduling algorithms. Over the years I have used
primarily 4 books: In chronological order they are Finkel, Deitel,
Silberschatz, and Tanenbaum. The table just below illustrates the
name game for these four books. After the table we discuss each
scheduling policy in turn.
Finkel Deitel Silbershatz Tanenbaum
FCFS FIFO FCFS -- unnamed in tanenbaum
SRR ** SRR ** not in tanenbaum
PSPN SRT PSJF/SRTF -- unnamed in tanenbaum
HPRN HRN ** ** not in tanenbaum
** ** MLQ ** only in silbershatz
Remark: For an alternate organization of the
scheduling algorithms (due to Eric Freudenthal and presented by him
Fall 2002) click here.
First Come First Served (FCFS, FIFO, FCFS, --)
If the OS ``doesn't'' schedule, it still needs to store the PTEs
somewhere. If it is a queue you get FCFS. If it is a stack
(strange), you get LCFS. Perhaps you could get some sort of random
policy as well.
- Only FCFS is considered.
- The simplist scheduling policy.
- Non-preemptive.
Round Robin (RR, RR, RR, RR)
- An important preemptive policy.
- Essentially the preemptive version of FCFS.
- The key parameter is the quantum size q.
- When a process is put into the running state a timer is set to q.
- If the timer goes off and the process is still running, the OS
preempts the process.
- This process is moved to the ready state (the
preempt arc in the diagram), where it is placed at the
rear of the ready list (a queue).
- The process at the front of the ready list is removed from
the ready list and run (i.e., moves to state running).
- When a process is created, it is placed at the rear of the ready list.
- As q gets large, RR approaches FCFS
- As q gets small, RR approaches PS (Processor Sharing, described next)
- What value of q should we choose?
- Trade-off
- Small q makes system more responsive.
- Large q makes system more efficient since less process switching.
Homework: 26, 35, 38.
Homework: Give an argument favoring a large
quantum; give an argument favoring a small quantum.
Process | CPU Time | Creation Time |
P1 | 20 | 0 |
P2 | 3 | 3 |
P3 | 2 | 5 |
(Remind me to discuss this last one in class next time):
Consider the set of processes in the table below.
When does each process finish if RR scheduling is used with q=1, if
q=2, if q=3, if q=100. First assume (unrealistically) that context
switch time is zero. Then assume it is .1.
Each process performs no
I/O (i.e., no process ever blocks). All times are in milliseconds.
The CPU time is the total time required for the process (excluding any
context switch time). The creation
time is the time when the process is created. So P1 is created when
the problem begins and P3 is created 5 milliseconds later.
If two processes have equal priority (in RR this means if thy both
enter the ready state at the same cycle), we give priority (in RR this
means place first on the queue) to the process with the earliest
creation time.
If they also have the same creation time, then we give priority to the
process with the lower number.
Processor Sharing (PS, **, PS, PS)
Merge the ready and running states and permit all ready jobs to be run
at once. However, the processor slows down so that when n jobs are
running at once, each progresses at a speed 1/n as fast as it would if
it were running alone.
- Clearly impossible as stated due to the overhead of process
- Of theoretical interest (easy to analyze).
- Approximated by RR when the quantum is small. Make
sure you understand this last point. For example,
consider the last homework assignment (with zero context switch time)
and consider q=1, q=.1, q=.01, etc.
Homework: 34.
Variants of Round Robin
- State dependent RR
- Same as RR but q is varied dynamically depending on the state
of the system.
- Favor processes holding important resources.
- For example, non-swappable memory.
- Perhaps this should be considered medium term scheduling
since you probably do not recalculate q each time.
- External priorities: RR but a user can pay more and get
bigger q. That is one process can be given a higher priority than
another. But this is not an absolute priority: the lower priority
(i.e., less important) process does get to run, but not as much as the
higher priority process.
Priority Scheduling
Each job is assigned a priority (externally, perhaps by charging
more for higher priority) and the highest priority ready job is run.
- Similar to ``External priorities'' above
- If many processes have the highest priority, use RR among them.
- Can easily starve processes (see aging below for fix).
- Can have the priorities changed dynamically to favor processes
holding important resources (similar to state dependent RR).
- Many policies can be thought of as priority scheduling in
which we run the job with the highest priority (with different notions
of priority for different policies).
Priority aging
As a job is waiting, raise its priority so eventually it will have the
maximum priority.
- This prevents starvation (assuming all jobs terminate or the
policy is preemptive).
- There may be many processes with the maximum priority.
- If so, can use FIFO among those with max priority (risks
starvation if a job doesn't terminate) or can use RR.
- Can apply priority aging to many policies, in particular to priority
scheduling described above.
Selfish RR (SRR, **, SRR, **)
- Preemptive.
- Perhaps it should be called ``snobbish RR''.
- ``Accepted processes'' run RR.
- Accepted process have their priority increase at rate b>=0.
- A new process starts at priority 0; its priority increases at rate a>=0.
- A new process becomes an accepted process when its priority
reaches that of an accepted process (or when there are no accepted
- Once a process is accepted it remains accepted until it terminates.
- Note that at any time all accepted processes have same priority.
- If b>=a, get FCFS.
- If b=0, get RR.
- If a>b>0, it is interesting.
Shortest Job First (SPN, SJF, SJF, SJF)
Sort jobs by total execution time needed and run the shortest first.
- Nonpreemptive
- First consider a static situation where all jobs are available in
the beginning and we know how long each one takes to run.
For simplicity lets consider ``run-to-completion'', also called
``uniprogrammed'' (i.e., we don't even switch to another
process on I/O).
In this situation, uniprogrammed SJF has the shortest average
waiting time
- Assume you have a schedule with a long job right before a
short job.
- Consider swapping the two jobs.
- This decreases the wait for
the short by the length of the long job and increases the wait of the
long job by the length of the short job.
- This decreases the total waiting time for these two.
- Hence decreases the total waiting for all jobs and hence decreases
the average waiting time as well.
- Hence, whenever a long job is right before a short job, we can
swap them and decrease the average waiting time.
- Thus the lowest average waiting time occurs when there are no
short jobs right before long jobs.
- This is uniprogrammed SJF.
- In the more realistic case of true SJF where the scheduler
switches to a new process when the currently running process
blocks (say for I/O), we should call the policy shortest
next-CPU-burst first.
- The difficulty is predicting the future (i.e., knowing in advance
the time required for the job or next-CPU-burst).
- This is an example of priority scheduling.
Homework: 39, 40 (note that when he says RR with
each process getting its fair share, he means PS).
Preemptive Shortest Job First (PSPN, SRT, PSJF/SRTF, --)
Preemptive version of above
- Permit a process that enters the ready list to preempt the running
process if the time for the new process (or for its next burst) is
less than the remaining time for the running process (or for
its current burst).
- It will never happen that a process in the ready list
will require less time than the remaining time for the currently
running process. Why?
Ans: When the process joined the ready list it would have started
running if the current process had more time remaining. Since
that didn't happen the current job had less time remaining and now
it has even less.
- Can starve processs that require a long burst.
- This is fixed by the standard technique.
- What is that technique?
Ans: Priority aging.
- Another example of priority scheduling.
Highest Penalty Ratio Next (HPRN, HRN, **, **)
Run the process that has been ``hurt'' the most.
- For each process, let r = T/t; where T is the wall clock time this
process has been in system and t is the running time of the process to
- If r=5, that means the job has been running 1/5 of the time it has been
in the system.
- We call r the penalty ratio and run the process having
the highest r value.
- HPRN is normally defined to be non-preemptive (i.e., the system
only checks r when a burst ends), but there is an preemptive analogue
- Do not worry about a process that just enters the system (its
ratio is undefined)
- When putting process into the run state compute the time at
which it will no longer have the highest ratio and set a timer.
- When a process is moved into the ready state, compute its ratio
and preempt if needed.
- HRN stands for highest response ratio next and means the same thing.
- This policy is yet another example of priority scheduling
Multilevel Queues (**, **, MLQ, **)
Put different classes of processs in different queues
- Processs do not move from one queue to another.
- Can have different policies on the different queues.
For example, might have a background (batch) queue that is FCFS and one or
more foreground queues that are RR.
- Must also have a policy among the queues.
For example, might have two queues, foreground and background, and give
the first absolute priority over the second
- Might apply aging to prevent background starvation.
- But might not, i.e., no guarantee of service for background
processes. View a background process as a ``cycle soaker''.
- Might have 3 queues, foreground, background, cycle soaker
Multilevel Feedback Queues (FB, MFQ, MLFBQ, MQ)
Many queues and processs move from queue to queue in an attempt to
dynamically separate ``batch-like'' from interactive processs so that
we can favor the latter.
- Run processs from the highest priority nonempty queue in a RR manner.
- When a process uses its full quanta (looks a like batch process),
move it to a lower priority queue.
- When a process doesn't use a full quanta (looks like an interactive
process), move it to a higher priority queue.
- A long process with frequent (perhaps spurious) I/O will remain
in the upper queues.
- Might have the bottom queue FCFS.
- Many variants
For example, might let process stay in top queue 1 quantum, next queue 2
quanta, next queue 4 quanta (i.e. return a process to the rear of the
same queue it was in if the quantum expires).
Theoretical Issues
Considerable theory has been developed.
- NP completeness results abound.
- Much work in queuing theory to predict performance.
- Not covered in this course.
Medium-Term Scheduling
In addition to the short-term scheduling we have discussed, we add
medium-term scheduling in which
decisions are made at a coarser time scale.
- Called memory scheduling by Tanenbaum (part of three level scheduling).
- Suspend (swap out) some process if memory is over-committed.
- Criteria for choosing a victim.
- How long since previously suspended.
- How much CPU time used recently.
- How much memory does it use.
- External priority (pay more, get swapped out less).
- We will discuss medium term scheduling again when we study memory
Long Term Scheduling
- ``Job scheduling''. Decide when to start jobs, i.e., do not
necessarily start them when submitted.
- Force user to log out and/or block logins if over-committed.
- CTSS (an early time sharing system at MIT) did this to insure
decent interactive response time.
- Unix does this if out of processes (i.e., out of PTEs).
- ``LEM jobs during the day'' (Grumman).
- Called admission scheduling by Tanenbaum (part of three level scheduling).
- Many supercomputer sites.
2.5.4: Scheduling in Real Time Systems
2.5.5: Policy versus Mechanism
2.5.6: Thread Scheduling
Research on Processes and Threads
Notes on lab (scheduling)
- If several processes are waiting on I/O, you may assume
noninterference. For example, assume that on cycle 100 process A
flips a coin and decides its wait is 6 units (i.e., during cycles
101-106 A will be blocked. Assume B begins running at cycle 101 for a
burst of 1 cycle. So during 101
process B flips a coin and decides its wait is 3 units. You do NOT
alter process A. That is, Process A will become ready after
cycle 106 (100+6) so enters the ready list cycle 107 and process B
becomes ready after cycle 104 (101+3) and enters ready list cycle
- For processor sharing (PS), which is part of the extra credit:
PS (processor sharing). Every cycle you see how many jobs are
ready (or running). Say there are 7. Then during this cycle (an exception
will be described below) each process gets 1/7 of a cycle.
EXCEPTION: Assume there are exactly 2 ready jobs, one needs 1/3 cycle
and one needs 1/2 cycle. The process needing only 1/3 gets only 1/3,
i.e. it is finished after 2/3 cycle. So the other process gets 1/3
cycle during the first 2/3 cycle and then starts to get all the CPU.
Hence it finishes after 2/3 + 1/6 = 5/6 cycle. The last 1/6 cycle is
not used by any process.
End of Notes
Chapter 3: Deadlocks
A deadlock occurs when a every member of a set of
processes is waiting for an event that can only be caused
by a member of the set.
Often the event waited for is the release of a resource.
In the automotive world deadlocks are called gridlocks.
- The processes are the cars.
- The resources are the spaces occupied by the cars
Reward: One point extra credit on the final exam
for anyone who brings a real (e.g., newspaper) picture of an
automotive deadlock. You must bring the clipping to the final and it
must be in good condition. Hand it in with your exam paper.
Note that it must really be a gridlock, i.e., motion is not possible
without breaking the traffic rules. A huge traffic jam is not
For a computer science example consider two processes A and B that
each want to print a file currently on tape.
- A has obtained ownership of the printer and will release it after
printing one file.
- B has obtained ownership of the tape drive and will release it after
reading one file.
- A tries to get ownership of the tape drive, but is told to wait
for B to release it.
- B tries to get ownership of the printer, but is told to wait for
A to release the printer.
Bingo: deadlock!