======== START LECTURE #16 ========

The control for the datapath

We start with our last figure, which shows the data path and then add the missing mux and show how the instruction is broken down.

We need to set the muxes.

We need to generate the three ALU cntl lines: 1-bit Bnegate and 2-bit OP

    And     0 00
    Or      0 01
    Add     0 10
    Sub     1 10
    Set-LT  1 11
Homework: What happens if we use 1 00 for the three ALU control lines? What if we use 1 01?

What information can we use to decide on the muxes and alu cntl lines?

The instruction!

So no problem, just do a truth table.

We will let the main control (to be done later) ``summarize'' the opcode for us. It will generate a 2-bit field ALUOp

    ALUOp   Action needed by ALU

    00      Addition (for load and store)
    01      Subtraction (for beq)
    10      Determined by funct field (R-type instruction)
    11      Not used

How many entries do we have now in the truth table?
opcode ALUOp operation funct field ALU action ALU cntl
LW 00 load word xxxxxx add 010
SW 00 store word xxxxxx add 010
BEQ 01 branch equal xxxxxx subtract 110
R-type 10 add 100000 add 010
R-type 10 subtract 100010 subtract 110
R-type 10 AND 100100 and 000
R-type 10 OR 100101 or 001
R-type 10 SLT 101010 set on less than 111

    ALUOp | Funct        ||  Bnegate:OP
    1 0   | 5 4 3 2 1 0  ||  B OP
    0 0   | x x x x x x  ||  0 10
    x 1   | x x x x x x  ||  1 10
    1 x   | x x 0 0 0 0  ||  0 10
    1 x   | x x 0 0 1 0  ||  1 10
    1 x   | x x 0 1 0 0  ||  0 00
    1 x   | x x 0 1 0 1  ||  0 01
    1 x   | x x 1 0 1 0  ||  1 11

How would we implement this?

When is Bnegate (called Op2 in book) asserted?

When is OP0 asserted?

When is OP1 asserted?

The circuit is then easy.

Now we need the main control.

So 9 bits.

The following figure shows where these occur.

They all are determined by the opcode

The MIPS instruction set is fairly regular. Most fields we need are always in the same place in the instruction.

MemRead: Memory delivers the value stored at the specified addr
MemWrite: Memory stores the specified value at the specified addr
ALUSrc: Second ALU operand comes from (reg-file / sign-ext-immediate)
RegDst: Number of reg to write comes from the (rt / rd) field
RegWrite: Reg-file stores the specified value in the specified register
PCSrc: New PC is Old PC+4 / Branch target
MemtoReg: Value written in reg-file comes from (alu / mem)

We have seen the wiring before.

We are interested in four opcodes.

Do a stage play