Computer Architecture

2000-2001 Fall
Tues Thurs 2:00-3:15
Ciww 109

Chapter 0: Administrivia

Contact Information

Web Pages

There is a web site for the course. You can find it from my home page, which is


Text is Hennessy and Patterson ``Computer Organization and Design The Hardware/Software Interface'', 2nd edition.

Computer Accounts and mailman mailing list

Homeworks and Labs

I make a distinction between homework and labs.

Labs are

Homeworks are

Doing Labs on non-NYU Systems

You may solve lab assignments on any system you wish, but ...

Obtaining Help with the Labs

Good methods for obtaining help include

  1. Asking me during office hours (see web page for my hours).
  2. Asking the mailing list.
  3. Asking another student, but ...
    Your lab must be your own.
    That is, each student must submit a unique lab. Of course, simply changing comments, variable names, etc does not produce a unique lab.

Upper left board for assignments and announcements

I use the upper left board for lab/homework assignments and announcements. I should never erase that board. View as a file it is group readable (the group is those in the room), appendable by just me, and (re-)writable by no one. If you see me start to erase an announcement, let me know.

Appendix B: Logic Design

Homework: Read B1

B.2: Gates, Truth Tables and Logic Equations

Homework: Read B2 Digital ==> Discrete

Primarily (but NOT exclusively) binary at the hardware level

Use only two voltages--high and low.

Since this is not an engineering course, we will ignore these issues and assume square waves.

In English digital implies 10 (based on digit, i.e. finger), but not in computers.

Bit = Binary digIT

Instead of saying high voltage and low voltage, we say true and false or 1 and 0 or asserted and deasserted.

0 and 1 are called complements of each other.

A logic block can be thought of as a black box that takes signals in and produces signals out. There are two kinds of blocks

We are doing combinational blocks now. Will do sequential blocks later (in a few lectures).


Since combinatorial logic has no memory, it is simply a function from its inputs to its outputs. A Truth Table has as columns all inputs and all outputs. It has one row for each possible set of input values and the output columns have the output for that input. Let's start with a really simple case a logic block with one input and one output.

There are two columns (1 + 1) and two rows (2**1).

In  Out
0   ?
1   ?

How many possible truth tables are there?

How many different truth tables are there for a ``one in one out'' logic block?

Just 4: The constant functions 1 and 0, the identity, and an inverter (pictures in a few minutes). There are two `?'s in the above table; each can be a 0 or 1 so 2**2 possibilities.

OK. Now how about two inputs and 1 output.

Three columns (2+1) and 4 rows (2**2).

In1 In2  Out
0   0    ?
0   1    ?
1   0    ?
1   1    ?

How many are there? It is just the number ways can you fill in the output entries, i.e. the question marks. There are 4 output entries so answer is 2**4=16.

How about 2 in and 8 out?

3 in and 8 out?

n in and k out?

Gets big fast!

Boolean algebra

Certain logic functions (i.e. truth tables) are quite common and familiar.

We use a notation that looks like algebra to express logic functions and expressions involving them.

The notation is called Boolean algebra in honor of George Boole.

A Boolean value is a 1 or a 0.
A Boolean variable takes on Boolean values.
A Boolean function takes in boolean variables and produces boolean values.

  1. The (inclusive) OR Boolean function of two variables. Draw its truth table. This is written + (e.g. X+Y where X and Y are Boolean variables) and often called the logical sum. (Three out of four output values in the truth table look right!)

  2. AND. Draw TT. Called logical product and written as a centered dot (like product in regular algebra). All four values look right.

  3. NOT. Draw TT. This is a unary operator (One argument, not two as above; functions with two inputs are called binary). Written A with a bar over it. I will use ' instead of a bar as it is easier for me to type in html.

  4. Exclusive OR (XOR). Written as + with a circle around it. True if exactly one input is true (i.e., true XOR true = false). Draw TT.

Homework: Consider the Boolean function of 3 boolean variables that is true if and only if exactly 1 of the three variables is true. Draw the TT.

Some manipulation laws. Remember this is Boolean ALGEBRA.



Both + and . are commutative so my identity and inverse examples contained redundancy.

The name inverse law is somewhat funny since you Add the inverse and get the identity for Product or Multiply by the inverse and get the identity for Sum.


Due to the associative law we can write A.B.C since either order of evaluation gives the same answer. Similarly we can write A+B+C.

We often elide the . so the product associative law is A(BC)=(AB)C. So we better not have three variables A, B, and AB. In fact, we normally use one letter variables.


How does one prove these laws??

Homework: Prove the second distributive law.

Let's do (on the board) the examples on pages B-5 and B-6. Consider a logic function with three inputs A, B, and C; and three outputs D, E, and F defined as follows: D is true if at least one input is true, E if exactly two are true, and F if all three are true. (Note that by ``if'' we mean ``if and only if''.

Draw the truth table.

Show the logic equations.