Computer Systems Design
Chapter 3: Instructions: Language of the Machine
Read sections 3.1 3.2 3.3
3.4 Representing instructions in the Computer (MIPS)
Register file
- We just learned how to build this
- 32 Registers each 32 bits
- Register 0 is always 0 when read and stores to register 0 are ignored
The fields of a MIPS instruction are quite consistent
op rs rt rd shamt funct <-- name of field
6 5 5 5 5 6 <-- number of bits
- op is the opcode
- rs,rt are source operands
- rd is destination
- shamt is the shift amount
- funct is used for op=0 to distinguish alu ops
- alu is arithmetic and logic unit
- add/sub/and/or/not etc.
- We will see there are other formats (but similar to this one).
R-type instruction (R for register)
Example: add $1,$2,$3
- R-type use the format above
- The example given has for its 6 fields
- op=0, alu op
- funct=32 specifies add
- reg1 <-- reg2 + reg3
- The regs can all be the same (doubles the value in the reg).
- Do sub by just changing the funct
- If the regs are the same for subtract, the instruction clears the register.
I-type (why I?)
op rs rt address
6 5 5 16
- rs is a source reg.
- rt is the destination reg.
Examples: lw/sw $1,1000($2)
- $1 <-- Mem[$2+1000]
$1 --> Mem[$2+1000]
- Transfers to/from memory, normally in words (32-bits)
- But the machine is byte addressable!
- Then how come have load/store word instead of byte?
Ans: It has load/store byte as well, but we don't cover it.
- What if the address is not a multiple of 4?
Ans: An error (MIPS requires aligned accesses).
- machine format is: 35/43 $2 $1 1000
RISC-like properties of the MIPS architecture.
- All instructions are the same length (32 bits).
- Field sizes of R-type and I-type correspond.
- The type (R-type, I-type, etc.) is determined by the opcode.
- rs is the reference to memory for both load and store.
- These properties will prove helpful when we construct a MIPS processor.
Branching instruction
slt (set less-then)
Example: slt $3,$8,$2
- R-type
- reg3 <-- (if reg8 < reg2 then 1 else 0)
- Like other R-types: read 2nd and 3rd reg, write 1st
beq and bne (branch (not) equal)
Examples: beq/bne $1,$2,123
- I-type
- if reg1=reg2 then go to the 124rd instruction after this one.
- if reg1!=reg2 then go to the 124rd instruction after this one.
- Why 124 not 123?
Ans: We will see that the CPU adds 4 to the program counter (for
the no branch case) and then adds (times 4) the third operand.
- Normally one writes a label for the third operand and the
assembler calculates the offset needed.
blt (branch if less than)
Examples: blt $5,$8,123
- I-type
- if reg5 < reg8 then go to the 124rd instruction after this one.
- *** WRONG ***
- There is no blt instruction.
- Instead use
stl $1,$5,$8
bne $1,$0,123
ble (branch if less than or equal)
- There is no ``ble $5,$8,L'' instruction.
- There is also no ``sle $1,$5,$8'' set $1 if $5 less or equal $8.
- Note that $5<=$8 <==> NOT ($8<$5).
- Hence we test for $8<$5 and branch if false.
stl $1,$8,$5
beq $1,$0,L
bgt (branch if greater than)
- There is no ``bgt $5,$8,L'' instruction.
- There is also no ``sgt $1,$5,$8'' set $1 if $5 greater than $8.
- Note that $5>$8 <==> $8<$5.
- Hence we test for $8<$5 and branch if true.
stl $1,$8,$5
bne $1,$0,L
bge (branch if greater than or equal)
- There is no ``bge $5,$8,L'' instruction.
- There is also no ``sge $1,$5,$8'' set $1 if $5 greater or equal $8l
- Note that $5>=$8 <==> NOT ($5<$8)l
- Hence we test for $5<$8 and branch if false.
stl $1,$5,$8
beq $1,$0,L
Please do not make the mistake of thinking that
stl $1,$5,$8
beq $1,$0,L
is the same as
stl $1,$8,$5
bne $1,$0,L
It is not the case that the negation of X < Y is Y < X.
End of Note
J-type instructions (J for jump)
op address
6 26
j (jump)
Example: j 10000
- Jump to instruction (not byte) 10000.
- Branches are PC relative, jumps are absolute.
- J type
- Range is 2^26 words = 2^28 bytes = 1/4 GB
jr (jump register)
Example: jr $10
- Jump to the location in register 10.
- R type, but uses only one register.
- Will it use one of the source registers or the destination register?
Ans: This will be obvious when we construct the processor.
jal (jump and link)
Example: jal 10000
- Jump to instruction 10000 and store the return address (the
address of the instruction after the jal).
- Used for subroutine calls.
- J type.
- Return address is stored in register 31. By using a fixed
register, jal avoids the need for a second register field and hence
can have 26 bits for the instruction address (i.e., can be a J type).
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End of Notes
I type instructions (revisited)
- The I is for immediate.
- These instructions have an immediate third operand,
i.e., the third operand is contained in the instruction itself.
- This means the operand itself, and not just its address or register
number, is contained in the instruction.
- Two registers and one immediate operand.
- Compare I and R types: Since there is no shamt and no funct, the
immediate field can be larger than the field for a register.
- Recall that lw and sw were I type. They had an immediate operand,
the offset added to the register to specify the memory address.
addi (add immediate)
Example: addi $1,$2,100
- $1 = $2 + 100
- Why is there no subi?
Ans: Make the immediate operand negative.
slti (set less-than immediate)
Example slti $1,$2,50
- Set $1 to 1 if $2 less than 50; set $1 to 0 otherwise.
lui (load upper immediate)
Example: lui $4,123
- Loads 123 into the upper 16 bits of register 4 and clears the
lower 16 bits of the register.
- What is the use of this instruction?
- How can we get a 32-bit constant into a register since we can't
have a 32 bit immediate?
- Load the word
- Have the constant placed in the program text (via some
assembler directive).
- Issue lw to load the register.
- But memory accesses are slow and this uses a cache entry.
- Load shift add
- Load immediate the high order 16 bits (into the low order
of the register).
- Shift the register left 16 bits (filling low order with
- Add immediate the low order 16 bits
- Three instructions, three words of memory
- load-upper add
- Use lui to load immediate the desired 16-bit value into
the high order 16 bits of the register and clear the low
order bits.
- Add immediate the desired low order 16 bits.
- lui $4,123 -- puts 123 into top half of register 4.
addi $4,$4,456 -- puts 456 into bottom half of register 4.
3.1, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.
Allan Gottlieb