================ Start Lecture #20 ================

Note: Please be sure that your labs are unique individual efforts. You may work together, but the labs you submit should be your own.


4.3.6 File System Performance

Buffer cache or block cache

An in-memory cache of disk blocks.

Homework: 12.

4.4: Security

Very serious subject. Could easily be a course in itself. My treatment is very brief.

4.4.1: Security environment

  1. Accidental data loss
  2. Intruders
           ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 This computer system is operated by New York University (NYU) and may be
 accessed only by authorized users.  Authorized users are granted specific,
 limited privileges in their use of the system.  The data and programs
 in this system may not be accessed, copied, modified, or disclosed without
 prior approval of NYU.  Access and use, or causing access and use, of this
 computer system by anyone other than as permitted by NYU are strictly pro-
 hibited by NYU and by law and may subject an unauthorized user, including
 unauthorized employees, to criminal and civil penalties as well as NYU-
 initiated disciplinary proceedings.  The use of this system is routinely
 monitored and recorded, and anyone accessing this system consents to such
 monitoring and recording.  Questions regarding this access policy or other
 topics should be directed (by e-mail) to comment@nyu.edu or (by phone) to
  1. Privacy

4.4.2: Famous flaws

4.4.3: The internet worm

4.4.4: Generic Security attacks

More bathroom reading


4.4.5: Design principles for security

More bathroom reading

4.4.6: User authentication


Physical identification

Opens up a bunch of privacy questions. For example, should we require fingerprinting for entering the subway?

Homework: 15, 16, 19, 24.

4.5: Protection mechanisms

4.5.1: Protection domains

4.5.2: Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Keep the columns of the matrix separate and drop the null entries.

4.5.3: Capabilities

Keep the rows of the matrix separate and drop the null entries.

4.5.4: Protection models

Give objects and subjects security levels and enforce:

  1. A subject may read only those objects whose level is at or below her own.
  2. A subject may write only those objects whose level is at or above her own.

4.5.5: Covert channels

The bad guys are getting smart and use other means extracting supposedly protected information.

Homework: 20.