================ Start Lecture #16
Chapter 4: File Systems
- Size: Store very large amounts of data.
- Persistence: Data survives the creating process.
- Access: Multiple processes can access the data concurrently.
Solution: Store data in files that together form a file system.
4.1: Files
4.1.1: File Naming
Very important. A major function of the file system.
- Does each file have a unique name?
Answer: Often no. We will discuss this below when we study
- Extensions, e.g. the ``html'' in ``class-notes.html''.
- Conventions just for humans: letter.teq (my convention).
- Conventions giving default behavior for some programs.
- The emacs editor thinks .html files should be edited in
html mode but
can edit them in any mode and can edit any file
in html mode.
- Netscape thinks .html means an html file, but
<html> ... </html> works as well
- Gzip thinks .gz means a compressed file but accepts a
--suffix flag
- Required extensions for programs
- The gnu C compiler (and probably others) requires C
programs be named *.c and assembler programs be named *.s
- Required extensions by operating systems
- MS-DOS treats .com files specially
- Windows 95 requires (as far as I can tell) shortcuts to
end in .lnk.
- Case sensitive?
Unix: yes. Windows: no.
4.1.2: File structure
A file is a
- Byte stream
- Unix, dos, windows (I think).
- Maximum flexibility.
- Minimum structure.
- (fixed size) Record stream: Out of date
- 80-character records for card images.
- 133-character records for line printer files. Column 1 was
for control (e.g., new page) Remaining 132 characters were printed.
- Varied and complicated beast.
- Indexed sequential.
- B-trees.
- Supports rapidly finding a record with a specific
- Supports retrieving (varying size) records in key order.
- Treated in depth in database courses.
4.1.3: File types
- (Regular) files.
- Directories: studied below.
- Special files (for devices).
Uses the naming power of files to unify many actions.
dir # prints on screen
dir > file # result put in a file
dir > /dev/tape # results written to tape
- ``Symbolic'' Links (similar to ``shortcuts''): Also studied
``Magic number'': Identifies an executable file.
- There can be
several different magic numbers for different types of
- unix: #!/usr/bin/perl
Strongly typed files:
- The type of the file determines what you can do with the
- This make the easy and (hopefully) common case easier and, more
importantly safer.
- It tends to make the unusual case harder. For example, you have a
program that turns out data (.dat) files. But you want to use it to
turn out a java file but the type of the output is data and cannot be
easily converted to type java.
4.1.4: File access
There are basically two possibilities, sequential access and random
access (a.k.a. direct access).
Previously, files were declared to be sequential or random.
Modern systems do not do this.
Instead all files are random and optimizations are applied when the
system dynamically determines that a file is (probably) being accessed
- With Sequential access the bytes (or records)
are accessed in order (i.e., n-1, n, n+1, ...).
Sequential access is the most common and
gives the highest performance.
For some devices (e.g. tapes) access ``must'' be sequential.
- With random access, the bytes are accessed in any
order. Thus each access must specify which bytes are desired.
4.1.5: File attributes
A laundry list of properties that can be specified for a file
For example:
- hidden
- do not dump
- owner
- key length (for keyed files)
4.1.6: File operations
- Create:
Essential if a system is to add files. Need not be a separate system
call (can be merged with open).
- Delete:
Essential if a system is to delete files.
- Open:
Not essential. An optimization in which the translation from file name to
disk locations is perform only once per file rather than once per access.
- Close:
Not essential. Free resources.
- Read:
Essential. Must specify filename, file location, number of bytes,
and a buffer into which the data is to be placed.
Several of these parameters can be set by other
system calls and in many OS's they are.
- Write:
Essential if updates are to be supported. See read for parameters.
- Seek:
Not essential (could be in read/write). Specify the
offset of the next (read or write) access to this file.
- Get attributes:
Essential if attributes are to be used.
- Set attributes:
Essential if attributes are to be user settable.
- Rename:
Tanenbaum has strange words. Copy and delete is not acceptable for
big files. Moreover copy-delete is not atomic. Indeed link-delete is
not atomic so even if link (discussed below)
is provided, renaming a file adds functionality.
Homework: 2, 3, 4.
Read and understand ``copyfile'' on page 155.
Notes on copyfile
- Normally in unix one wouldn't call read and write directly.
- Indeed, for copyfile, getchar() and putchar() would be nice since
they take care of the buffering (standard I/O, stdio).
- Tanenbaum is correct that the error reporting is atrocious.
The worst is exiting the loop on error and thus generating an
exit(0) as if nothing happened.
4.1.7: Memory mapped files
Conceptually simple and elegant. Associate a segment with each
file and then normal memory operations take the place of I/O.
Thus copyfile does not have fgetc/fputc (or read/write). Instead it is
just like memcopy
while ( *(dest++) = *(src++) );
The implementation is via segmentation with demand paging but
the backing store for the pages is the file itself.
This all sounds great but ...
- How do you tell the length of a newly created file? You know
which pages were written but not what words in those pages. So a file
with one byte or 10, looks like a page.
- What if same file is accessed by both I/O and memory mapping.
- What if the file is bigger than the size of virtual memory (will
not be a problem for systems built 3 years from now as all will have
enormous virtual memory sizes).