================ Start Lecture #6
Producer-consumer problem
- Two classes of processes
- Producers, which produce times and insert them into a buffer.
- Consumers, which remove items and consume them.
- What if the producer encounters a full buffer?
Answer: Block it.
- What if the consumer encounters an empty buffer?
Answer: Block it.
- Also called the bounded buffer problem.
- Another example of active entities being replaced by a data
structure when viewed at a lower level (Finkel's level principle).
Initially e=k, f=0 (counting semaphore); b=open (binary semaphore)
Producer Consumer
loop forever loop forever
produce-item P(f)
P(e) P(b); take item from buf; V(b)
P(b); add item to buf; V(b) V(e)
V(f) consume-item
- k is the size of the buffer
- e represents the number of empty buffer slots
- f represents the number of full buffer slots
- We assume the buffer itself is only serially accessible. That is,
only one operation at a time.
- This explains the P(b) V(b) around buffer operations
- I use ; and put three statements on one line to suggest that
a buffer insertion or removal is viewed as one atomic operation.
- Of course this writing style is only a convention, the
enforcement of atomicity is done by the P/V.
- The P(e), V(f) motif is used to force ``bounded alternation''. If k=1
it gives strict alternation.
Dining Philosophers
A classical problem from Dijkstra
- 5 philosophers sitting at a round table
- Each has a plate of spaghetti
- There is a fork between each two
- Need two forks to eat
What algorithm do you use for access to the shared resource (the
- The obvious solution (pick up right; pick up left) deadlocks.
- Big lock around everything serializes.
- Good code in the book.
The purpose of mentioning the Dining Philosophers problem without giving
the solution is to give a feel of what coordination problems are like.
The book gives others as well. We are skipping these (again this
material would be covered in a sequel course). If you are interested
look, for example,
Homework: 14,15 (these have short answers but are
not easy).
Readers and writers
- Two classes of processes.
- Readers, which can work concurrently.
- Writers, which need exclusive access.
- Must prevent 2 writers from being concurrent.
- Must prevent a reader and a writer from being concurrent.
- Must permit readers to be concurrent when no writer is active.
- Perhaps want fairness (i.e., freedom from starvation).
- Variants
- Writer-priority readers/writers.
- Reader-priority readers/writers.
Quite useful in multiprocessor operating systems. The ``easy way
out'' is to treat all processes as writers in which case the problem
reduces to mutual exclusion (P and V). The disadvantage of the easy
way out is that you give up reader concurrency.
Again for more information see the web page referenced above.