Old Announcements

16 October

Lab 2 is assigned today. See the ``Labs'' section below.

15 October

It is NOW DEFINITE that on monday 23 Oct, my office hours will have to move from 2:30--3:30 to 1:30-2:30 due to a departmental committee meeting.

6 October

It is POSSIBLE that on monday 23 Oct, my office hours will have to move from 2:30--3:30 to 1:30-2:30 due to a departmental committee meeting. I will keep you informed.

2 October

The Java tokenizer is OK to use in lab1. I misspoke at the end of class.

25 September

I added 30 minutes to my office hours, mostly for this class (see below)

Lab 1 due date extended 1 week (too many typos!). It is now due 9 october.

23 September

Jesse Wei-Yeh Chu  writes:

> The last program text in Module no. 4 of input set 2 has only 4 digits
> (4999). Is this a typo or an intended error for our linker to catch?


> Also for input no. 2, there is a discrepancy between the pdf file and the
> text file. Module 5 in pdf indicates both definition and use list as 00,
> whereas the text version contains only one 00.

The text version is wrong.  A filter I used to save space squashed
duplicate lines (thinking they were blanks).  Alas it doesn't work

I fixed both errors.

19 September

My office hours are 2:30-3:30 monday and wednesday in room 1001, 715 broadway.

18 September

Two typos in lab 1 (the version on the web has been corrected).

  1. You may use C++ or Java in addition to C or Pascal.
  2. In the output given, change ``8013+5=8018'' to ``8001+5=8006''.