Operating Systems
2000-01 Fall
M 5:00-6:50
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

================ Start Lecture #11 ================

Note: There was a typo or two in the symlinking directories section (picture should show /B not /B/new, and cd -P goes to / not /B). The giant page and the lecture-10 page have been fixed.
  1. Privacy

4.4.2: Famous flaws

4.4.3: The internet worm

4.4.4: Generic Security attacks

More bathroom reading


4.4.5: Design principles for security

More bathroom reading

4.4.6: User authentication


Physical identification

Opens up a bunch of privacy questions. For example, should we require fingerprinting for entering the subway?

Homework: 15, 16, 19, 24.

4.5: Protection mechanisms

4.5.1: Protection domains

4.5.2: Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Keep the columns of the matrix separate and drop the null entries.

4.5.3: Capabilities

Keep the rows of the matrix separate and drop the null entries.

4.5.4: Protection models

Give objects and subjects security levels and enforce:

  1. A subject may read only those objects whose level is at or below her own.
  2. A subject may write only those objects whose level is at or above her own.

4.5.5: Covert channels

The bad guys are getting smart and use other means of getting out information. For example give good service for a zero and bad for a one. The figure of merit is the rate at which bits can be sent, i.e. the bandwidth of the covert channel.

Homework: 20.

Chapter 5: Input/Output

5.1: Principles of I/O Hardware

5.1.1: I/O Devices

5.1.2: Device Controllers

These are the ``real devices'' as far as the OS is concerned. That is the OS code is written with the controller spec in hand not with the device spec.

The figure in the book is so oversimplified as to be borderline false. The following picture is closer to the truth (but really there are several I/O buses of different speeds).

Using a controller

Think of a disk controller and a read request. The goal is to copy data from the disk to some portion of the central memory. How do we do this?

Homework: 2

5.1.3: Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Homework: 5