Operating Systems
2000-01 Fall
M 5:00-6:50
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

================ Start Lecture #9 ================

4.1.3: File types


  1. (Regular) files.

  2. Directories: studied below.

  3. Special files (for devices). Uses the naming power of files to unify many actions.
        dir             # prints on screen
        dir > file      # result put in a file
        dir > /dev/tape # results written to tape
  4. ``Symbolic'' Links (similar to ``shortcuts''): Also studied below.

``Magic number'': Identifies an executable file.

Strongly typed files:

4.1.4: File access

There are basically two possibilities, sequential access and random access (a.k.a. direct access). Previously, files were declared to be sequential or random. Modern systems do not do this. Instead all files are random and optimizations are applied when the system dynamically determines that a file is (probably) being accessed sequentially.

  1. With Sequential access the bytes (or records) are accessed in order (i.e., n-1, n, n+1, ...). Sequential access is the most common and gives the highest performance. For some devices (e.g. tapes) access ``must'' be sequential.
  2. With random access, the bytes are accessed in any order. Thus each access must specify which bytes are desired.

4.1.5: File attributes

A laundry list of properties that can be specified for a file For example: