Operating Systems
2000-01 Fall
M 5:00-6:50
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

================ Start Lecture #2 ================

Note: Lab 1 is assigned and due 2 October.

1.3.3: System Calls

System calls are the way a user (i.e. a program) directly interfaces with the OS. Some textbooks use the term envelope for the component of the OS responsible for fielding system calls and dispatching them. Here is a picture showing some of the OS components and the external events for which they are the interface.

Note that the OS serves two masters. The hardware (below) asynchronously sends interrupts and the user makes system calls and generates page faults.

What happens when a user executes a system call such as read()? We discuss this in much more detail later but briefly what happens is ...

  1. Normal function call (in C, ada, etc.).
  2. Library routine (in C).
  3. Small assembler routine.
    1. Move arguments to predefined place (perhaps registers).
    2. Poof (a trap instruction) and then the OS proper runs in supervisor mode.
    3. Fixup result (move to correct place).

Homework: 6

1.3.4: The shell

Assumed knowledge

Homework: 9.

1.4: OS Structure

I must note that tanenbaum is a big advocate of the so called microkernel approach in which as much as possible is moved out of the (protected) microkernel into separate processes.

In the early 90s this was popular. Digital Unix (now called True64) and Windows NT were examples. Digital Unix is based on Mach, a research OS from Carnegie Mellon university. Lately, the growing popularity of Linux has called into question the belief that ``all new operating systems will be microkernel based''.

1.4.1: Monolithic approach

The previous picture: one big program

The system switches from user mode to kernel mode during the poof and then back when the OS does a ``return''.

But of course we can structure the system better, which brings us to.

1.4.2: Layered Systems

Some systems have more layers and are more strictly structured.

An early layered system was ``THE'' operating system by Dijkstra. The layers were.

  1. The operator
  2. User programs
  3. I/O mgt
  4. Operator-process communication
  5. Memory and drum management

The layering was done by convention, i.e. there was no enforcement by hardware and the entire OS is linked together as one program. This is true of many modern OS systems as well (e.g., linux).

The multics system was layered in a more formal manner. The hardware provided several protection layers and the OS used them. That is, arbitrary code could not jump to or access data in a more protected layer.

1.4.4: Virtual machines

Use a ``hypervisor'' (beyond supervisor, i.e. beyond a normal OS) to switch between multiple Operating Systems

14.4: Client Server

When implemented on one computer, a client server OS is the microkernel approach in which the microkernel just supplies interprocess communication and the main OS functions are provided by a number of separate processes.

This does have advantages. For example an error in the file server cannot corrupt memory in the process server. This makes errors easier to track down.

But it does mean that when a (real) user process makes a system call there are more processes switches. These are not free.

A distributed system can be thought of as an extension of the client server concept where the servers are remote.

Homework: 11

Chapter 2: Process Management

Tanenbaum's chapter title is ``processes''. I prefer process management. The subject matter is processes, process scheduling, interrupt handling, and IPC (Interprocess communication--and coordination).

2.1: Processes

Definition: A process is a program in execution.

3.1.1: The Process Model

Even though in actuality there are many processes running at once, the OS gives each process the illusion that it is running alone.

Virtual time and virtual memory are examples of abstractions provided by the operating system to the user processes so that the latter ``sees'' a more pleasant virtual machine than actually exists.

Process Hierarchies

MS-DOS is not multiprogrammed so when one process starts another, the first process is blocked and waits until the second is finished.

Process states and transitions

The above diagram contains a great deal of information.

One can organize an OS around the scheduler.

2.1.3: Implementation of Processes

The OS organizes the data about each process in a table naturally called the process table. Each entry in this table is called a process table entry or PTE.

An aside on Interrupts

In a well defined location in memory (specified by the hardware) the OS stores an interrupt vector, which contains the address of the (first level) interrupt handler.

Assume a process P is running and a disk interrupt occurs for the completion of a disk read previously issued by process Q, which is currently blocked. Note that interrupts are unlikely to be for the currently running process (because the process waiting for the interrupt is likely blocked).

  1. The hardware stacks the program counter etc (possibly some registers)
  2. Hardware loads new program counter from the interrupt vector.
  3. Assembly language routine saves registers
  4. Assembly routine sets up new stack
  5. Assembly routine calls C procedure (tanenbaum forgot this one)
  6. C procedure does the real work
  7. The C procedure (that did the real work in the interrupt processing) continues and returns to the assembly code.
  8. Assembly language restores P's state (e.g., registers) and starts P at the point it was when the interrupt occurred.

2.2: Interprocess Communication (IPC) and Process Coordination and Synchronization

2.2.1: Race Conditions

A race condition occurs when two processes can interact and the outcome depends on the order in which the processes execute.

Homework: 2

2.2.2: Critical sections

We must prevent interleaving sections of code that need to be atomic with respect to each other. That is, the conflicting sections need mutual exclusion. If process A is executing its critical section, it excludes process B from executing its critical section. Conversely if process B is executing is critical section, it excludes process A from executing its critical section.

Requirements for a critical section implementation.

  1. No two processes may be simultaneously inside their critical section
  2. No assumption may be made about the speeds or the number of CPUs
  3. No process outside its critical section may block other processes
  4. No process should have to wait forever to enter its critical section

2.2.3 Mutual exclusion with busy waiting

The operating system can choose not to preempt itself. That is, no preemption for system processes (if the OS is client server) or for processes running in system mode (if the OS is self service). Forbidding preemption for system processes would prevent the problem above where x<--x+1 not being atomic crashed the printer spooler if the spooler is part of the OS.

But this is not adequate

Software solutions for two processes

Initially P1wants=P2wants=false

Code for P1                             Code for P2

Loop forever {                          Loop forever {
    P1wants <-- true         ENTRY          P2wants <-- true
    while (P2wants) {}       ENTRY          while (P1wants) {}
    critical-section                        critical-section
    P1wants <-- false        EXIT           P2wants <-- false
    non-critical-section }                  non-critical-section }

Explain why this works.

But it is wrong! Why?

Let's try again. The trouble was that setting want before the loop permitted us to get stuck. We had them in the wrong order!

Initially P1wants=P2wants=false

Code for P1                             Code for P2

Loop forever {                          Loop forever {
    while (P2wants) {}       ENTRY          while (P1wants) {}
    P1wants <-- true         ENTRY          P2wants <-- true
    critical-section                        critical-section
    P1wants <-- false        EXIT           P2wants <-- false
    non-critical-section }                  non-critical-section }

Explain why this works.

But it is wrong again! Why?

So let's be polite and really take turns. None of this wanting stuff.

Initially turn=1

Code for P1                      Code for P2

Loop forever {                   Loop forever {
    while (turn = 2) {}              while (turn = 1) {}
    critical-section                 critical-section
    turn <-- 2                       turn <-- 1
    non-critical-section }           non-critical-section }

This one forces alternation, so is not general enough. Specifically, it does not satisfy condition three, which requires that no process in its non-critical section can stop another process from entering its critical section. With alternation, if one process is in its non-critical section (NCS) then the other can enter the CS once but not again.

In fact, it took years (way back when) to find a correct solution. Many earlier ``solutions'' were found and several were published, but all were wrong The first true solution was found by dekker. It is very clever, but I am skipping it (I cover it when I teach OS II). Subsequently, algorithms with better fairness properties were found (e.g. no task has to wait for another task to enter the CS twice).