Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #26 ========

Notes: I received the official final exam notice from robin.
V22.0436.001   Gottlieb    Weds. 12/20      WWH 109

Last year's final exam is on the course home page.

End of Notes

8.5: Interfacing I/O Devices

Giving commands to I/O Devices

This is really an OS issue. Must write/read to/from device registers, i.e. must communicate commands to the controller. Note that a controller normally contains a microprocessor, but when we say the processor, we mean the central processor not the one on the controller.

Communicating with the Processor

Should we check periodically or be told when there is something to do? Better yet can we get someone else to do it since we are not needed for the job?


Processor continually checks the device status to see if action is required.

Do on the board the example on pages 676-677

Interrupt driven I/O

Processor is told by the device when to look. The processor is interrupted by the device.

Do on the board the example on pages 681-682.