Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #22 ========

Tag size and division of the address bits

We continue to assume a byte addressed machines with all references to a 4-byte word (lw and sw).

The 2 LOBs are not used (they specify the byte within the word but all our references are for a complete word). We show these two bits in dark blue. We continue to assume 32 bit addresses so there are 2**30 words in the address space.

Let's review various possible cache organizations and determine for each how large is the tag and how the various address bits are used. We will always use a 16KB cache. That is the size of the data portion of the cache is 16KB = 4 kilowords = 2**12 words.

  1. Direct mapped, blocksize 1 (word).
  2. Direct mapped, blocksize 8
  3. 4-way set associative, blocksize 1
  4. 4-way set associative, blocksize 8

Homework: 7.39, 7.40

Improvement: Multilevel caches

Modern high end PCs and workstations all have at least two levels of caches: A very fast, and hence not very big, first level (L1) cache together with a larger but slower L2 cache.

When a miss occurs in L1, L2 is examined, and only if a miss occurs there is main memory referenced.

So the average miss penalty for an L1 miss is

(L2 hit rate)*(L2 time) + (L2 miss rate)*(L2 time + memory time)
We are assuming L2 time is the same for an L2 hit or L2 miss. We are also assuming that the access doesn't begin to go to memory until the L2 miss has occurred.

Do an example

7.4: Virtual Memory

I realize this material was covered in operating systems class (V22.0202). I am just reviewing it here. The goal is to show the similarity to caching, which we just studied. Indeed, (the demand part of) demand paging is caching: In demand paging the memory serves as a cache for the disk, just as in caching the cache serves as a cache for the memory.

The names used are different and there are other differences as well.

Cache conceptDemand paging analogue
Memory blockPage
Cache blockPage Frame (frame)
TagNone (table lookup)
Word in blockPage offset
Valid bitValid bit
MissPage fault
HitNot a page fault
Miss ratePage fault rate
Hit rate1 - Page fault rate

Cache conceptDemand paging analogue
Placement questionPlacement question
Replacement questionReplacement question
AssociativityNone (fully associative)

Homework: 7.32

Write through vs. write back

Question: On a write hit should we write the new value through to (memory/disk) or just keep it in the (cache/memory) and write it back to (memory/disk) when the (cache-line/page) is replaced?