Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #21 ========

A lower base (i.e. miss-free) CPI makes stalls appear more expensive since waiting a fixed amount of time for the memory corresponds to losing more instructions if the CPI is lower.

A faster CPU (i.e., a faster clock) makes stalls appear more expensive since waiting a fixed amount of time for the memory corresponds to more cycles if the clock is faster (and hence more instructions since the base CPI is the same).

Another performance example.

Remark: Larger caches have longer hit times.

Improvement: Associative Caches

Consider the following sad story. Jane has a cache that holds 1000 blocks and has a program that only references 4 (memory) blocks, namely 23, 1023, 123023, and 7023. In fact the references occur in order: 23, 1023, 123023, 7023, 23, 1023, 123023, 7023, 23, 1023, 123023, 7023, 23, 1023, 123023, 7023, etc. Referencing only 4 blocks and having room for 1000 in her cache, Jane expected an extremely high hit rate for her program. In fact, the hit rate was zero. She was so sad, she gave up her job as webmistriss, went to medical school, and is now a brain surgeon at the mayo clinic in rochester MN.

So far We have studied only direct mapped caches, i.e. those for which the location in the cache is determined by the address. Since there is only one possible location in the cache for any block, to check for a hit we compare one tag with the HOBs of the addr.

The other extreme is fully associative.

Most common for caches is an intermediate configuration called set associative or n-way associative (e.g., 4-way associative).