Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #18 ========

What is the MIPS rating for a computer and how useful is it?

Homework: Carefully go through and understand the example on pages 61-3

How about MFLOPS (Million of FLoating point OPerations per Second)? For numerical calculations floating point operations are the ones you are interested in; the others are ``overhead'' (a very rough approximation to reality).

It has similar problems to MIPS.

Benchmarks are better than MIPS or MFLOPS, but still have difficulties.

Homework: Carefully go through and understand 2.7 ``fallacies and pitfalls''.

Chapter 7 Memory

Homework: Read Chapter 7

Ideal memory is

So we use a memory hierarchy ...

  1. Registers
  2. Cache (really L1, L2, and maybe L3)
  3. Memory
  4. Disk
  5. Archive

... and try to catch most references in the small fast memories near the top of the hierarchy.

There is a capacity/performance/price gap between each pair of adjacent levels. We will study the cache <---> memory gap

We observe empirically (and teach in 202).

A cache is a small fast memory between the processor and the main memory. It contains a subset of the contents of the main memory.

A Cache is organized in units of blocks. Common block sizes are 16, 32, and 64 bytes. This is the smallest unit we can move to/from a cache.

A hit occurs when a memory reference is found in the upper level of memory hierarchy.

We start with a very simple cache organization.