Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #17 ========

Note: Lab 3 (the final lab) handed out today due 20 November.

Even Faster (we are not covering this).

Chapter 2 Performance analysis

Homework: Read Chapter 2

2.1: Introductions

Throughput measures the number of jobs per day that can be accomplished. Response time measures how long an individual job takes.

We define Performance as 1 / Execution time.

So machine X is n times faster than Y means that

2.2: Measuring Performance

How should we measure execution time?

We use CPU time, but this does not mean the other metrics are worse.

Cycle time vs. Clock rate.

2.3: Relating the metrics

The execution time for a given job on a given computer is

(CPU) execution time = (#CPU clock cycles required) * (cycle time)
                     = (#CPU clock cycles required) / (clock rate)

The number of CPU clock cycles required equals the number of instructions executed times the number of cycles in each instruction.

But real systems are more complicated than that!

Through a great many measurement, one calculates for a given machine the average CPI (cycles per instruction).

The number of instructions required for a given program depends on the instruction set. For example, we saw in chapter 3 that 1 Vax instruction is often accomplishes more than 1 MIPS instruction.

Complicated instructions take longer; either more cycles or longer cycle time.

Older machines with complicated instructions (e.g. VAX in 80s) had CPI>>1.

With pipelining can have many cycles for each instruction but still have CPI nearly 1.

Modern superscalar machines have CPI < 1.

Putting this together, we see that

   Time (in seconds) =  #Instructions * CPI * Cycle_time (in seconds).
   Time (in ns)      =  #Instructions * CPI * Cycle_time (in ns).

Homework: Carefully go through and understand the example on page 59

Homework: 2.1-2.5 2.7-2.10

Homework: Make sure you can easily do all the problems with a rating of [5] and can do all with a rating of [10]