Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #12 ========

Midterm exam 25 Oct.

Lab 2. Due 1 November. Extend Modify lab 1 to a 32 bit alu that in addition handles sub, slt, zero detect, and overflow. That is, produce a gate level simulation of Figure 4.19. This figure is also in the class notes; it is the penultimate figure before ``Fast Adders''.

It is NOW DEFINITE that on monday 23 Oct, my office hours will have to move from 2:30--3:30 to 1:30-2:30 due to a departmental committee meeting.

Don't forget the mirror site. My main website will be going down for an OS upgrade at some point. Start at

End of Notes:

Chapter 5: The processor: datapath and control

Homework: Start Reading Chapter 5.

5.1: Introduction

We are going to build the MIPS processor

Figure 5.1 redrawn below shows the main idea

Note that the instruction gives the three register numbers as well as an immediate value to be added.

5.2: Building a datapath

Let's begin doing the pieces in more detail.

Instruction fetch

We are ignoring branches for now.

R-type instructions

Homework: What would happen if the RegWrite line had a stuck-at-0 fault (was always deasserted)? What would happen if the RegWrite line had a stuck-at-1 fault (was always asserted)?

load and store

lw  $r,disp($s)
sw  $r,disp($s)

Homework: What would happen if the RegWrite line had a stuck-at-0 fault (was always deasserted)? What would happen if the RegWrite line had a stuck-at-1 fault (was always asserted)? What would happen if the MemWrite line had a stuck-at-0 fault (was always deasserted)? What would happen if the MemWrite line had a stuck-at-1 fault (was always asserted)?

There is a cheat here.

Branch on equal (beq)

Compare two registers and branch if equal.

Homework: What would happen if the RegWrite line had a stuck-at-0 fault (was always deasserted)? What would happen if the RegWrite line had a stuck-at-1 fault (was always asserted)?

5.3: A simple implementation scheme

We will just put the pieces together and then figure out the control lines that are needed and how to set them. We are not now worried about speed.

We are assuming that the instruction memory and data memory are separate. So we are not permitting self modifying code. We are not showing how either memory is connected to the outside world (i.e. we are ignoring I/O).

We have to use the same register file with all the pieces since when a load changes a register a subsequent R-type instruction must see the change, when an R-type instruction makes a change the lw/sw must see it (for loading or calculating the effective address, etc.

We could use separate ALUs for each type but it is easy not to so we will use the same ALU for all. We do have a separate adder for incrementing the PC.

Combining R-type and lw/sw

The problem is that some inputs can come from different sources.

  1. For R-type, both ALU operands are registers. For I-type (lw/sw) the second operand is the (sign extended) immediate field.
  2. For R-type, the write data comes from the ALU. For lw it comes from the memory.
  3. For R-type, the write register comes from field rd, which is bits 15-11. For sw, the write register comes from field rt, which is bits 20-16.

We will deal with the first two now by using a mux for each. We will deal with the third shortly by (surprise) using a mux.

Combining R-type and lw/sw