Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #11 ========

Note: Midterm exam next wed or the week after. We will vote end of today's class.


This is a sequential circuit.

Homework: A 4-bit shift register initially contains 1101. It is shifted six times to the right with the serial input being 101101. What is the contents of the register after each shift.

Homework: Same register, same initial condition. For the first 6 cycles the opcodes are left, left, right, nop, left, right and the serial input is 101101. The next cycle the register is loaded (in parallel) with 1011. The final 6 cycles are the same as the first 6. What is the contents of the register after each cycle?

4.6: Multiplication

    product <- 0
    for i = 0 to 31
        if LOB of multiplier = 1
            product = product + multiplicand
        shift multiplicand left 1 bit
        shift multiplier right 1 bit

Do on the board 4-bit multiplication (8-bit registers) 1100 x 1101. Since the result has (up to) 8 bits, this is often called a 4x4->8 multiply.

The diagrams below are for a 32x32-->64 multiplier.

What about the control?

This works!

But, when compared to the better solutions to come, is wasteful of resourses and hence is

The product register must be 64 bits since the product can contain 64 bits.

Why is multiplicand register 64 bits?

Why is ALU 64-bits?

POOF!! ... as the smoke clears we see an idea.

We can solve both problems at once

This results in the following algorithm

    product <- 0
    for i = 0 to 31
        if LOB of multiplier = 1
            (serial_in, product[32-63]) <- product[32-63] + multiplicand
        shift product right 1 bit
        shift multiplier right 1 bit

What about control

Redo same example on board

A final trick (``gate bumming'', like code bumming of 60s).

    product[0-31] <- multiplier
    for i = 0 to 31
        if LOB of product = 1
            (serial_in, product[32-63]) <- product[32-63] + multiplicand
        shift product right 1 bit

Control again boring.

Redo the same example on the board.

The above was for unsigned 32-bit multiplication.

What about signed multiplication.

There are faster multipliers, but we are not covering them.

4.7: Division

We are skiping division.

4.8: Floating Point

We are skiping floating point.

4.9: Real Stuff: Floating Point in the PowerPC and 80x86

We are skiping floating point.

Homework: Read 4.10 ``Fallacies and Pitfalls'', 4.11 ``Conclusion'', and 4.12 ``Historical Perspective''.