Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #8 ========

blt (branch if less than)

Examples: blt $5,$8,123

ble (branch if less than or equal)

bgt (branch if greater than>

bge (branch if greater than or equal>

Note: Please do not make the mistake of thinking that

    stl $1,$5,$8
    beq $1,$0,L
is the same as
    stl $1,$8,$5
    bne $1,$0,L

The negation of X < Y is not Y < X

End of Note

Homework: 3.12-3.17

J-type instructions (J for jump)

        op   address
        6     26

j (jump)

Example: j 10000

jr (jump register)

Example: jr $10

jal (jump and link)

Example: jal 10000

I type instructions (revisited)

addi (add immediate)

Example: addi $1,$2,100

slti (set less-than immediate)

Example slti $1,$2,50

lui (load upper immediate)

Example: lui $4,123

Homework: 3.1, 3.3-3.7, 3.9, 3.18, 3.37 (for fun)

Chapter 4

Homework: Read 4.1-4.4

Homework: 4.1-4.9

4.2: Signed and Unsigned Numbers

MIPS uses 2s complement (just like 8086)

To form the 2s complement (of 0000 1111 0000 1010 0000 0000 1111 1100)

Need comparisons for signed and unsigned.

sltu and sltiu

Just like slt and slti but the comparison is unsigned.

4.3: Addition and subtraction

To add two (signed) numbers just add them. That is don't treat the sign bit special.

To subtract A-B, just take the 2s complement of B and add.


An overflow occurs when the result of an operatoin cannot be represented with the available hardware. For MIPS this means when the result does not fit in a 32-bit word.

Homework: Prove this last statement (4.29) (for fun only, do not hand in).

addu, subu, addiu

These add and subtract the same as add and sub, but do not signal overflow

4.4: Logical Operations

Shifts: sll, srl

Bitwise AND and OR: and, or, andi, ori

No surprises.

4.5: Constructing an ALU--the fun begins

First goal is 32-bit AND, OR, and addition

Recall we know how to build a full adder. We will draw it as shown on the right.

With this adder, the ALU is easy.

With this 1-bit ALU, constructing a 32-bit version is simple.
  1. Use an array of logic elements for the logic. The logic element is the 1-bit ALU
  2. Use buses for A, B, and Result.
  3. ``Broadcast'' Opcode to all of the internal 1-bit ALUs. This means wire the external Opcode to the Opcode input of each of the internal 1-bit ALUs

First goal accomplished.