Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #7 ========

Simulating Combinatorial Circuits at the Gate Level

Note (mostly to me): The next topic (simulation) should have been done right after Appendix B. It could have been done even earlier, right after B.3.

The idea is, given a circuit diagram, write a program that behaves the way the circuit does. This means more than getting the same answer. The program is to work the way the circuit does.

For each logic box, you write a procedure with the following properties.

Simulating a Full Adder

Remember that a full adder has three inputs and two outputs. Hand out hard copies of FullAdder.c.

Simulating a 4-bit Adder

This implementation uses the full adder code above. Hand out hard copies of FourBitAdder.c.

Lab 1: Simulating A 1-bit ALU

Hand out Lab 1, which is available in text (without the diagram), pdf, and postscript.

3.4 Representing instructions in the Computer (MIPS)

Register file

Homework: 3.2

The fields of a MIPS instruction are quite consistent

    op    rs    rt    rd    shamt  funct   <-- name of field
    6     5     5     5      5      6      <-- number of bits

R-type instruction (R for register)

Example: add $1,$2,$3

I-type (why I?)

    op    rs    rt   address
    6     5     5     16

Examples: lw/sw $1,1000($2)

RISC-like properties of the MIPS architecture.

Branching instruction

slt (set less-then)

Example: slt $3,$8,$2

beq and bne (branch (not) equal)

Examples: beq/bne $1,$2,123