Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #6 ========


Note: There are other kinds of flip-flops T, J-K. Also one could learn about excitation tables for each. We will not cover this material (H&P doesn't either). If interested, see Mano

B.6: Finite State Machines

I do a different example from the book (counters instead of traffic lights). The ideas are the same and the two generic pictures (below) apply to both examples.


A counter counts (naturally).

The state transition diagram

The circuit diagram.

How do we determine the combinatorial ciccuit?

Current      || Next A
   A    I R  || DA <-- i.e. to what must I set DA
-------------++--      in order to get the desired
   0    0 0  || 0      Next A for the next cycle.
   1    0 0  || 1      
   0    1 0  || 1
   1    1 0  || 0
   x    x 1  || 0

But this table is simply the truth table for the combinatorial circuit.

A I R  || DA
0 0 0  || 0
1 0 0  || 1
0 1 0  || 1
1 1 0  || 0
x x 1  || 0

DA = R' (A XOR I)

How about a two bit counter.

To determine the combinationatorial circuit we could preceed as before

Current      ||
  A B   I R  || DA DB

This would work but we can instead think about how a counter works and see that.

DA = R'(A XOR I)

Homework: 23

B.7 Timing Methodologies


Chapter 1

Homework: READ chapter 1. Do 1.1 -- 1.26 (really one matching question)
Do 1.27 to 1.44 (another matching question),
1.45 (and do 7200 RPM and 10,000 RPM), 1.46, 1.50

Chapter 3

Homework: Read sections 3.1 3.2 3.3