Computer Architecture
1999-2000 Fall
MW 3:30-4:45
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best

======== START LECTURE #4 ========

Note: I should have assigned B.5 as part of homework 2. I did include it in the solutions. B.5 is the part for which the comment ``(Assume you have constant signals 1 and 0 as well.)'' applies.


One way to implement a mathematical (or C) function (without side effects) is to perform a table lookup.

A ROM (Read Only Memory) is the analogous way to implement a logic function.

Important: A ROM does not have state. It is another combinational circuit. That is, it does not represent ``memory''. The reason is that once a ROM is manufactured, the output depends only on the input.

A PROM is a programmable ROM. That is you buy the ROM with ``nothing'' in its memory and then before it is placed in the circuit you load the memory, and never change it. This is like a CD-R.

An EPROM is an erasable PROM. It costs more but if you decide to change its memory this is possible (but is slow). This is like a CD-RW.

``Normal'' EPROMs are erased by some ultraviolet light process. But EEPROMs (electrically erasable PROMS) are faster and are done electronically.

All these EPROMS are erasable not writable, i.e. you can't just change one bit.

A ROM is similar to PLA

Don't Cares

Example (from the book):

Full truth table

     A   B   C || D   E   F
     0   0   0 || 0   0   0
     0   0   1 || 1   0   1
     0   1   0 || 0   1   1
     0   1   1 || 1   1   0
     1   0   0 || 1   1   1
     1   0   1 || 1   1   0
     1   1   0 || 1   1   0
     1   1   1 || 1   1   1

This has 7 minterms.

Put in the output don't cares

     A   B   C || D   E   F
     0   0   0 || 0   0   0
     0   0   1 || 1   0   1
     0   1   0 || 0   1   1
     0   1   1 || 1   1   X
     1   0   0 || 1   1   X
     1   0   1 || 1   1   X
     1   1   0 || 1   1   X
     1   1   1 || 1   1   X

Now do the input don't cares

     A   B   C || D   E   F
     0   0   0 || 0   0   0
     0   0   1 || 1   0   1
     0   1   0 || 0   1   1
     X   1   1 || 1   1   X
     1   X   X || 1   1   X

These don't cares are important for logic minimization. Compare the number of gates needed for the full TT and the reduced TT. There are techniques for minimizing logic, but we will not cover them.

Arrays of Logic Elements

*** Big Change Coming ***

Sequential Circuits, Memory, and State

Why do we want to have state?

Assume you have a real OR gate. Assume the two inputs are both zero for an hour. At time t one input becomes 1. The output will OSCILLATE for a while before settling on exactly 1. We want to be sure we don't look at the answer before its ready.

B.4: Clocks

Frequency and period


Synchronous system

Now we are going to add state elements to the combinational circuits we have been using previously.

Remember that a combinational/combinatorial circuits has its outpus determined by its input, i.e. combinatorial circuits do not contain state.

State elements include state (naturally).

B.5: Memory Elements

We want edge-triggered clocked memory and will only use edge-triggered clocked memory in our designs. However we get there by stages. We first show how to build unclocked memory; then using unclocked memory we build level-sensitive clocked memory; finally from level-sensitive clocked memory we build edge-triggered clocked memory.

Unclocked Memory

S-R latch (set-reset)

Clocked Memory: Flip-flops and latches

The S-R latch defined above is not clocked memory. Unfortunately the terminology is not perfect.

For both flip-flops and latches the output equals the value stored in the structure. Both have an input and an output (and the complemented output) and a clock input as well. The clock determines when the internal value is set to the current input. For a latch, the change occurs whenever the clock is asserted (level sensitive). For a flip-flop, the change occurs at the active edge.

D latch

The D is for data

In the traces below notice how the output follows the input when the clock is high and remains constant when the clock is low. We assume the stored value is initially low.

D or Master-Slave Flip-flop

This was our goal. We now have an edge-triggered, clocked memory.

Note how much less wiggly the output is with the master-slave flop than before with the transparent latch. As before we are assuming the output is initially low.

Homework: Try moving the inverter to the other latch What has changed?