================ Start Lecture #23 ================

5.3.2: Disk Arm Scheduling Algorithms

These algorithms are relevant only if there are several I/O requests pending. For many PCs this is not the case. For most commercial applications, I/O is crucial.

  1. FCFS (First Come First Served): Simple but has long delays.
  2. Pick: Same as FCFS but pick up requests for cylinders that are passed on the way to the next FCFS request
  3. SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First): Greedy algorithm. Can starve requests for outer cylinders and almost always favors middle requests.
  4. Scan (Look, Elevator): The method used by an old fashioned jukebox (remember ``Happy Days'') and by elevators. The disk arm proceeds in one direction picking up all requests until there are no more requests in this direction at which point it goes back the other direction. This favors requests in the middle, but can't starve any requests.
  5. C-Scan (C-look, Circular Scan/Look): Similar to Scan but only service requests when moving in one direction. When going in the other direction, go directly to the furthest away request. This doesn't favor any spot on the disk. Indeed, it treats the cylinders as though they were a clock, i.e. after the highest numbered cylinder comes cylinder 0.
  6. N-step Scan: This is what the natural implementation of Scan gives.

Minimizing Rotational Latency

Use Scan, which is the same as C-Scan. Why?
Because the disk only rotates in one direction.

Homework: 9, 10.

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)

Tanenbaum's treatment is not very good.

5.3.3: Error Handling

Disks error rates have dropped in recent years. Moreover, bad block forwarding is done by the controller (or disk electronic).

5.3.4: Track Caching

Often the disk/controller caches a track, since the seek penalty has already been paid. In fact modern disks have megabyte caches that hold recently read blocks. Since modern disks cheat and don't have the same number of blocks on each track, it is better for the disk electronics to do the caching since it is the only part of the system to know the true geometry.

5.3.5: Ram Disks

5.4: Clocks

Also called timers.

5.4.1: Clock Hardware

5.4.2: Clock Software

  1. TOD: Bump a counter each tick (clock interupt). If counter is only 32 bits must worry about overflow so keep two counters: low order and high order.

  2. Time quantum for RR: Decrement a counter at each tick quantum expires when counter is zero. Load this counter when the scheduler runs a process.

  3. Accounting: At each tick, bump a counter in the process table entry for the currently running process.

  4. Alarm system call and system alarms:
  5. Profiling

Homework: 12

5.5: Terminals

5.5.1: Terminal Hardware

Quite dated. It is true that modern systems can communicate to a hardwired ascii terminal, but most don't. Serial ports are used, but they are normally connected to modems and then some protocol (SLIP, PPP) is used not just a stream of ascii characters.

5.5.2: Memory-Mapped Terminals


Tanenbaum description of keyboards is correct.

5.5.3: Input Software

5.5.4: Output Software

Again too dated and the truth is too complicated to deal with in a few minutes.

Homework: 16.