V22.0202: Operating Systems--Allan Gottlieb

Final Exam

The exam is 5 May from 2-3:50pm in Rooms 806 and 808 of the Main Building. Last semester's final exam is here.

Answers are here


All homework solutions are posted

No class on monday

Use of mod (modulo) in lab 3

Sending lab1 to the graders

After you have copied your files to an NYU Unix machine (e.g., omicron.acf.nyu.edu) and placed them in a subdirectory called lab1, you should issue the following command from your home directory. (Note that you put the files in the subdirectory lab1, but issue the command below from your home directory, not from lab1.)

tar -cf - lab1 | uuencode your-name | mail -s your-name graders-email-address

If the above fails try it again using Mail instead of mail, i.e. ``capitalize Mail''.

Do not include any blanks in your name. For example, I would use allan.gottlieb or allan-gottlieb. The following table gives your grader and his email address.

Last nameGraderEmail Address
A-FRobert Szarekszar9908@cs.nyu.edu
G-MAldo J Nunezajn203@omicron.acf.nyu.edu
N-ZFranqueli Mendezfm201@omicron.acf.nyu.edu

Link to the recitation home page


Lab 3 is here in pdf and postscript and text. It is due 1 May, must be written in C or C++, and must be run on Omicron or ACF5.

Lab 2 is here in pdf and postscript and text. It is due april 10th, must be written in C or C++ and must be run on Omicron or ACF5

Lab 1 is here in postscript and pdf and text. It is due 16 February 2000 and may be written in C++ or Java (or C or pascal). Answers for the first data set are here.

Solutions to Homework Questions

Lecture Notes


Solutions: white, yellow, blue, and green.

The exam is 20 March. An alternate midterm will be given wed 8 feb from 5-6:15 in my office. For anyone who cannot make either exam, the final will count as midterm + final. Some practice exams are here and here and here. Some solutions are here and here.
