Start of Lecture 3
Producer-consumer problem
- Two classes of processes
- Producers, which produce times and insert them into a buffer
- Consumers, which remove items and consume them
- Must worry about the producer encountering a full buffer
- Must worry about the consumer encountering an empty buffer
- Also called the bounded buffer problem.
- Another example of active entities being replaced by a data
structure when viewed at a lower level (Finkel's level principle)
initially e=k, f=0 (counting semaphore); b=open (binary semaphore)
Producer Consumer
loop forever loop forever
produce-item P(f)
P(e) P(b); take item from buf; V(b)
P(b); add item to buf; V(b) V(e)
V(f) consume-item
- k is the size of the buffer
- e represents the number of empty buffer slots
- f represents the number of full buffer slots
- We assume the buffer itself is only serially accessible. That is,
only one operation at a time.
- This explains the P(b) V(b) around buffer operations
- I use ; and put on one line to suggest that this is simply one
operation that is indivisible.
- Of course this writing style is only a convention, the
enforcement of atomicity is done by the P/V
- The P(e), V(f) motif is used to force bounded alternation. If k=1
it gives strict alternation.
Dining Philosophers
A classical problem from Dijkstra
- 5 philosophers sitting at a round table
- each has a plate of spaghetti
- there is a fork between each two
- need two forks to eat
What algorithm do you use for access to the shared resourse (the
- The obvious soln (pick up right; pick up left) deadlocks
- Big lock around everything serializes
- Good code in the book.
The point of mentioning this without giving the solution is to give a
feel of what coordination problems are like. The book gives others as
well. We are skipping these (2nd semester, depending on instructor).
Homework: 14,15
Readers and writers
- Two classes of processes
- Readers, which can work concurrently
- Writers, which need exclusive access
- Must prevent 2 writers from being concurrent
- Must prevent a reader and a writer from being concurrent
- Must permit readers to be concurrent when no writer is active
- Perhaps want fairness (i.e. freedom from starvation)
- Variants
- Writer-priority readers/writers
- Reader-priority readers/writers
Quite useful in multiprocessor operating systems. The ``easy way
out'' is to treat all as writers (i.e., give up reader concurrency).
2.4: Process Scheduling
Scheduling the processor is often called just scheduling or process
The objectives of a good scheduling policy include
- Fairness
- Efficiency
- Low response time (important for interactive jobs)
- Low turnaround time (important for batch jobs)
- High throughput [these are from tanenbaum]
- Repeatability. Dartmouth (DTSS) ``wasted cycles'' and limited
logins for repeatability.
- Fair accross projects
- ``Cheating'' in unix by using multiple processes
- TOPS-10
- Fair share research project
- Degrade gracefully under load
Recall the basic diagram about process states
For now we are discussing short-term scheduling running <--> ready.
Medium term scheduling is discussed a little later.
This is an important distinction.
- The ``preempt'' arc in the diagram
- Needs a clock interrupt (or equivalent)
- Needed to guarantee fairness
- Found in all modern general purpose operating systems
- Without preemption, the system implements ``run to completion (or
Deadline scheduling
This is used for real time systems. The objective of the scheduler is to
find a schedule for all the tasks (there are a fixed set of tasks) so
that each meets its deadline. You know how long each task executes
Actually it is more complicated.
- Periodic tasks
- What if can't schedule all of them (penalty function)?
- What if task time is not constant but has a known probability
We do not cover deadline schedling in this course.
The name game
There is an amazing inconsistency in naming the different
(short-term) scheduling algorithms. Over the years I have used
primarily 4 books: In chronological order they are Finkel, Deitel,
Silberschatz, and Tanenbaum. The table just below illustrates the
name game for these three books. After the table we discuss each
scheduling policy in turn.
Finkel Deitel Silbershatz Tanenbaum
FCFS FIFO FCFS -- unnamed in tanenbaum
SRR ** SRR ** not in tanenbaum
PSPN SRT PSJF/SRTF -- unnamed in tanenbaum
HPRN HRN ** ** not in tanenbaum
** ** MLQ ** only in silbershatz
First Come First Served (FCFS, FIFO, FCFS, --)
If you ``don't'' schedule, you still have to store the PTEs
somewhere. If it is a queue you get FCFS. If it is a stack
(strange), you get LCFS. Perhaps you could get some sort of random
policy as well.
- Only FCFS is considered
- The simplist scheduling policy
- Non-preemptive
Round Robbin (RR, RR, RR, RR)
- An important preemptive policy
- Essentially the preemptive version of FCFS
- The key parameter is the quantum size q
- When a process is put into the running state a timer is set to q.
- If the timer goes off and the process is still running, the OS
preempts the process.
- This process is moved to the ready state (the
preempt arc in the diagram.
- The next job in the ready list (normally a queue) is
selected to run
- As q gets large, RR approaches FCFS
- As q gets small, RR approaches PS
- What q should we choose
- Tradeoff
- Small q makes system more responsive
- Large q makes system more efficient since less switching
- State dependent RR
- Same as RR but q depends on system load
- Favor processes holding important resourses
- For example, non-swappable memory
- Perhaps medium term scheduling
- External priorities
- RR but can pay more for bigger q
Homework: 9, 19, 20, 21
Selfish RR (SRR, **, SRR, **)
- Perhaps it could be called ``snobbish RR''
- ``Accepted processes'' run RR
- New process waits until its priority reaches that of accepted
- New process starts at prio 0 and increases at rate a>=0
- Accepted process have prio increas at rate b>=0
- Note that at any time all accepted processes have same prio
- If b>a, get FCFS (if b=a, essentially FCFS)
- If b=0, get RR
- If a>b>0, it is interesting
Processor Sharing (PS, **, PS, PS)
All n processes are running, each on a processor 1/n as fast as the real
- Of theoretical interest (easy to analyze)
- Approximated by RR when the quantum is small
Homework: 18.
Shortest Job First (SPN, SJF, SJF)
Sort jobs by total execution time needed and run the shortest first.
- Nonpreemptive
- If we consider the extreme of run-to-completion, i.e. don't even
switch on an I/O, then SJF has the shortest average waiting time
- Moving a short job before a long one decreases the wait for
the short by the length of the long and increases the wait of the
long by the length of the short.
- This decreases the total waiting time for these two
- Hence decreases the total waiting for all and hence decreases
the average waiting time as well
- In realistic case where a job has I/O and we switch then,
should call the policy shortest next cpu burst first.
- Difficulty is predicting the future (i.e. knowing the time
required for job or burst).
Preemptive Shortest Job First (PSPN, SRT, PSJF/SRTF)
Preemptive version of above
- Permit a job that enters the ready list to preempt the running job if the
time for the new job (or for its first burst) is less than the
remaining time for the running job (or for its current burst).
- Will never happen that an existing job in ready list will require
less time than remaining for the current job.
- Can starve jobs that have a long burst.
Priority aging
As a job is waiting, raise its priority and when it is time to choose,
pick job with highest priority.
- Can apply this to may policies
- Indeed, many policies can be thought of as priority
scheduling in which we run the job with the
highest priority (with different notions of priority for different
Homework: 22, 23
Highest Penalty Ratio Next (HPRN, HRN, **, **)
Run job that has been ``hurt'' the most.
- For each job, let r = T/t; where T = wall clock time this job has
been in system and t is running time of the job to date.
- Run job with highest r
- Normally defined to be nonpreemptive (only check r when a burst
ends), but there is an preemptive analogue
- Do not worry about a job that just enters the system (its
ratio is undefined)
- When putting process in run state commpute the time that it
will no longer have the highest ratio and set a timer.
- When a job is moved into the ready state, compute its ratio
and preempt if needed.
- HRN stands for highest response ratio next
- This is another example of priority scheduling
Multilevel Queues (**, **, MLQ, **)
Put different classes of jobs in different queues
- Jobs do not move from one queue to another.
- Can have different policies on the different queues.
For example, might have a background (batch) queue that is FCFS and one or
more foreground queues that are RR.
- Must also have a policy among the queues.
For example, might have two queues foreground and background and give
the first absolute priority over the second
- Might apply aging to prevent background starvation
Multilevel Feedback Queues (FB, MFQ, MLFBQ, MQ)
Many queues and jobs move from queue to queue in an attempt to
dynamically separate ``batch-like'' from interactive jobs.
- Run jobs from highest nonempty queue with a quantum (like RR)
- When job uses up full quanta (looks a like batch job), move it to
a lower queue.
- When job doesn't use a full quanta (looks like an interactive
job), move it to a higher queue
- Long interactive jobs (user generating spurious I/O) can keep job
in the upper queues.
- Might have bottom queue FCFS
- Many variants
For example, might let job stay in top queue 1 quantum, next queue 2
quanta (i.e. put back in same queue, at end, after first quantum
expires), next queue 4
Theoretical Issues
Much theory has been done (NP completeness results abound)
Queuing theory developed to predict performance
Medium Term scheduling
Decisions made at a coarser time scale.
- Called two-level scheduling by tanenbaum
- Suspend (swap out) some process if memory is overcommitted
- Criteria for choosing a victim
- How long since previously suspended
- How much CPU time used recently
- How much memory does it use
- External priority (pay more, get swapped out less)
- We will discuss again during
next topic (memory management).
Long Term Scheduling
- ``Job scheduling''. Decide when to start jobs (do NOT start
them when submitted.
- Force user to log out and/or block logins if overcommitted
- CTSS for decent interactive response time
- Unix if out of processes (i.e. out of PTEs)