Operating Systems
1999-2000 Fall
Mon 5-6:50
Ciww 109

Allan Gottlieb
715 Broadway, Room 1001
email is best


Web Pages

There is a web page for the course. You can find it from my home page.


Text is Tanenbaum, "Modern Operating Systems".

Computer Accounts and majordomo mailing list

Homeworks and Labs

I make a distinction between homework and labs.

Labs are

Homeworks are

Upper left board for assignments and announcements.

Homework: Read Chapter 1 (Introduction)

1. Introduction

Levels of abstraction (virtual machines)

1.1: What is an operating system?

The kernel itself raises the level of abstraction and hides details. Can write to a file (a concept present in hardware) and ignore whether it is a floppy or hard disk.

The kernel is a resource manager (so users don't conflict).

How is an OS fundamentally different from a compiler (say)?

Answer: Concurrency! Per Brinch Hansen in Operating Systems Principles (Prentice Hall, 1973) writes.

The main difficulty of multiprogramming is that concurrent activities can interact in a time-dependent manner, which makes it practically impossibly to locate programming errors by systematic testing. Perhaps, more than anything else, this explains the difficulty of making operating systems reliable.

1.2 History of Operating Systems

  1. Single user (no OS)
  2. Batch, uniprogrammed, run to completion
  3. Multiprogrammed
  4. Multiple computers
  5. Real time systems
Homework:1, 2, 5 (unless otherwise stated, problems numbers are from the end of the chapter in Tanenbaum.)

1.3: Operating System Concepts

This will be brief. Much of the rest of the course will consist in ``filling in the details''.

1.3.1: Processes

A program in execution.

Often one distinguishes the state or context (memory image, open file) from the thread of control. Then if one has many threads running in the same task, the result is a ``multithreaded processes''.

The OS keeps information about all processes in the process table. Indeed, the OS views the process as the entry. An example of an active entity being viewed as a data structure (cf. discrete event simulations).

The set of processes forms a tree via the fork system call. The forker is the parent of the forkee.

A signal can be sent to a process to cause it to execute a predefined function (the signal handler). This can be tricky to program since the programmer does not know when in his ``main'' program the signal handler will be invoked.

1.3.2: Files

Modern systems have a hierarchy of files. A file system tree.

Files and directories normally have permissions

Devices (mouse, tape drive, cdrom) are often view as ``special files''. In a unix system these are normally found in the /dev directory. Some utilities that are normally applied to (ordinary) files can as well be applied to some special files. For example, when you do not have anything serious going on (i.e. as soon as you log in), type the following on unix

    cat /dev/mouse
and then move the mouse. You kill the cat by typing cntl-C. I tried this on my linux box and no damage occurred. Your mileage may vary.

Many systems have standard files that are automatically made available to a process upon startup. There (initial) file descriptors are fixed

A convenience offered by some command interpretors is a pipe

  ls | wc
Will give the number of files. Homework: 3

1.3.3: System Calls

The way a user (i.e. program) directly interfaces with the OS. Often the component of the OS responsible for fielding system calls and dispatching them is called the envelope. Here is a picture showing some of the components and the external events for which they are the interface.

What happens when a user writes a function call like read?

  1. Normal function call (in C, ada, etc.)
  2. Library routine (in C)
  3. Small assembler routine
    1. Move arguments to predefined place (perhaps registers)
    2. Poof (a trap instruction) and then the OS proper runs in supervisor mode
    3. Fixup result (move to correct place)
Homework: 6

1.3.4: The shell

Assumed knowledge

Homework: 9.

1.4: OS Structure

I must note that tanenbaum is a big advocate of the so called microkernel approach in which as much as possible is moved out of the (protected) microkernel into usermode components.

In the early 90s this was popular. Digital Unix and windows NT were examples. Digital unix was based on Mach a research OS from carnegie mellon university. Lately, the growing popularity of linux has called this into question.

1.4.1: Monolithic approach

The previous picture: one big program

The system switches from user mode to kernel mode during the poof and then back when the OS does a ``return''.

But of course we can structure the system better, which brings us to.

1.4.2: Layered Systems

Some systems have more layers and are more strictly structured.

An early layered system was ``THE'' by dijkstra

  1. The operator
  2. User programs
  3. I/O mgt
  4. Operator-process communication
  5. Memory and drum management

The layering was done by convention, i.e. there was no enforcement by hardware and the entire OS is linked together as one program. This is true of man modern OS systems as well (e.g., linux).

The multics system was layered in a more formal manner. The hardware provided several protection layers and the OS used them.

1.4.4: Virtual machines

Use a ``hypervisor'' (beyond supervisor) to switch between multiple Operating Systems