======== START LECTURE #7 ========

For writes use a decoder on register number to determine which register to write. Note that 3 errors in the book's figure were fixed

The idea is to gate the write line with the output of the decoder. In particular, we should perform a write to register r this cycle providing

Homework: 20


Note: There are other kinds of flip-flops T, J-K. Also one could learn about excitation tables for each. We will not cover this material (H&P doesn't either). If interested, see Mano


A counter counts (naturally). The counting is done in binary.

Let's look at the state transition diagram for A, the output of a 1-bit counter.

We need one flop and a combinatorial circuit.

The flop producing A is often itself called A and the D input to this flop is called DA (really D sub A).

Current      Next ||
   A    I R   A   || DA <-- i.e. to what must I set DA
------------------++--      in order to
   0    0 0   0   || 0      get the desired Next A for
   1    0 0   1   || 1      the next cycle
   0    1 0   1   || 1
   1    1 0   0   || 0
   x    x 1   0   || 0

But this table (without Next A) is the truth table for the combinatorial circuit.

A I R  || DA
0 0 0  || 0
1 0 0  || 1
0 1 0  || 1
1 1 0  || 0
x x 1  || 0

DA = R' (A XOR I)