Multiprocessor systems Tanenbaum's "timesharing" term dates the book. Easiest to get a single system image. One example is my workstation at NECI (soon to move north). Shared memory makes a single run queue (ready list) natural choice. So scheduling is "trivial": Take uniprocessor code and add semaphores. The standard diagram for process states applies. The diagram is available in postscript (best) and in html (most portable).
            What about processor affinity?

        Shared memory makes shared I/O buffer cache natural choice.

            Gives true (i.e. uniprocessor semantics for I/O with
            little extra work.

            Avoiding performance bottlenecks is serious.        

        Shared memory makes uniprocessor file system natural choices.

    Summary (Tanenbaum figure 9-13)

                        Network        Distributed   Multiprocessor
                        Operating      Operating     Operating
Item                    System         System        System
Virtual Uniprocessor    No             Yes           Yes

Same OS                 No             Yes           Yes

Copies of OS            N              N             1

Communication           Shared Files   Messages      Shared memory

Network Protocols       Yes            Yes           No

Single Ready List       No             No            Yes

Well def file sharing   Rare           Yes           Yes


Design issues

    A Big one is TRANSPARANCY, i.e. you don't "see" the multiplicity
    of processors.  Or you see through them.

    (NOT always what is wanted.  Might want to create as many (child)
    processes as there are processors.  Might choose a different
    coordination algorithm for 2 processes than for 50)

    Location transparancy: cannot tell where the resourses are

        So ``pr -Psam'' does not tell you where sam is located (but
        cat /etc/printcap does).

        I assume tanenbaum means you need not know where the resourses
        are located.  Presumably there are routing tables somewhere
        saying where they are.

    Migration transparancy: moving a resources does not require a name

        Recall our research system.  If you move a file from /e stored
        on allan to lab it cannot be in /e (property of mount).
        Symlinks can hide this slightly.

    Replication transparancy: Don't know how many copyies of a
    resourse exist.

        E.g. multithreaded (or multiprocess) server

    Concurrency transparancy.

        Don't notice other users (except for slowdowns).

            That is, same as for uniprocessor.

        Can lock resource--but deadlocks possible

            Again just like for uniprocessor.

homework 9.11

    Parallelism transparancy

        You write uniprocessor programs and poof it all works hundreds
        of times faster on a dist sys with 500 processors.

        Far from current state of the art

        My wording above is that you don't always want transparancy.
        If you had parallelism transparancy, you would always want it.
    Flexibility--really monolithic vs micro kernel

        Should the (entire) OS run in supervisor mode?

        Tanenbaum is rather one sided here.  He is a big microkernel
        fan.  Amoeba is his group's system.

        Monolithic kernel is conventional, all services supplied by
        kernel, OS.  Often derived from uniprocessor OS

        Microkernel only supplies


            Some mem mgt

            low level proc mgt and sched

            low level I/O

        Micro kernel does not supply


            Most system calls

            Full process management (deciding which process is highest

        Instead these are supplied by servers


            Fairly easy to modify while the system is running.

            Bug in server can bring down system but the bug will
            appear in the server not in another part of the OS


            Performance: Tanenbaum says its minor but not so clear.
            Crossing more protection domains and having more transfers
            of control, hurt cache performance and this is
            increasingly important as speed ratios between processors
            and DRAM grow.



        It's an improvement if you need just one of many possible
        resourses in order to work.


        It's a negative if you need all the resourses.  (AND vs OR)

            Avail with prob p^n if AND (p = prob one resourse avail)

            Avail with prob 1 - (1-p)^n if OR            

        Lamport's def of dist sys "One on which I cannot get any work
        done because some machine I have never heard of has crashed"

        Availability: percentage of time the system is up.  So
        increased replication increases availability

        Consistency: Must keep copies consistent so data not garbled.
        Increasing replication makes this worse (more expensive).


        Coarse grained parallelism:  Little, infrequent
        communication/coordination.  This is the easy case to get high
        perf for.  Sometimes called "embarassingly parallel".

        Fine grained parallelism:  Tight coordination and/or much data
        communication.  Tough.  Many msgs.


        Not trivial!  Descirbes mintel where french phone company is
        "currently" (i.e. prior to 1992) installing terminal in every
        home.  If successful, "other countries will inevitably adopt
        similar systems".  It is 1998 and we don't have it yet.

            Is the web a dist sys?

        Centralized components/tables/algorithms.

            If the degree of parallelism is large any centralized
            "thing" is a potential bottleneck.

            Fault tolerance (single point of failure).

            Centralized tables have fault tolerence performance
            bottleneck problems.

                The perf problem can be solved if concurrently
                accessible by combining requests on the way to the
                server of the centralized table.

        It is often too expensive to get the entire (accurate) state
        of the system to one computer to act on.  Instead, one prefers
        decentralized algorithms.

            No machine has complete information

            Decisions made based on locally available info (obvious?)

            Tolerate some machine failures

            Don't assume a global clock (exactly synchronized)

---------------- Chapter 10: Communication in Dist Sys  ----------------

With no shared memory, communication is very different from that in a
uniprocessor (or a shared memory multiprocessor).

PROTOCOL: An agreement between communicating parties on how
communication is to proceed.

    Error correction codes.



LAYERED protocol: The protocol decisions concern very different things

    How many volts is 1 or zero?  How wide is the pulse? (LOW level)

    Error correction



    As a result you have many routines that work on the various
    aspects.  They are called layered.

    Layer X of sender acts as if it is directly communicating with
    layer X of received but in fact it is communicating with layer X-1
    of sender.

    Similarly layer X of sender acts as a virtual layer X+1 of
    receiver to layer X+1 of sender.

Famous example is the ISO OSI (Intern standards org open sys

    First lets look at the OSI diagram just as an example of layering

The diagram is available in postscript (best) and in html (most portable).

    So for example the network layer sends msgs intended for the other
    network layer but in fact sends them to the data link layer

    Also the network layer must accept msgs from the transport layer,
    which it then sends to the other network layer (really its own
    data link layer.

    What a layer really does to a msg it receives is that it adds a
    header (and maybe a trailer) that is to be interpreted by its
    corresponding layer in the receiver.

    So the network layer adds a header (in front of the transport
    layer's header) and sends to the other network layer (really its
    own data link layer that adds a header in front of the network
    layer's--and a trailer--)