18 NOV Lab2 assigned today due in 3 weeks. See below. 11 Nov (tuesday) I JUST HEARD 2 RUMMORS. THE FIRST SAYS THAT YOU CAN BRING 2 SHEETS OF PAPER TO THE EXAM. THE SECOND SAYS THAT YOU CAN BRING 4 SHEETS. BOTH RUMMORS ARE FALSE. THE EXAM IS CLOSED BOOK. I am in the office all day today. Stop by anytime. The downtime for the web server today has been cancelled; it will remain up all day. 7 Nov There will be extra coverage for questions about the upcoming midterm. From 1-3 today (friday) room 417ciwwq Ilya Lipkind (one of the graders) will be available. On monday room 417 (same as above) Hua Wang (the other grader) will be available 4:30-6:30. On tuesday, I will be in my office most of the day (probably from 9am-5pm). The graders may be able to schedule other times as well. Their email addresses are wanghua@slinky.cs.nyu.edu and lipkind@slinky.cs.nyu.edu. 28 OCT Midterm will be 11 Nov. 22 OCT PS is no longer REQUIRED for lab1; the web page for lab1 has been updated to show this.. 14 OCT My schedule is funny for the last week of october. I will be give class as normal on tuesday but cannot make my office hours either tuesday or thursday. So FOR THAT ONE WEEK ONLY my office hours will be on wed (29 oct) 3-5PM. 7 OCT Anina erred. The room for today is MEC 1-60 (on the first floor) Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 11:21:14 -0400 (EDT) From: anina@INFINITUM.CS.NYU.EDU (Anina Karmen-Meade) Subject: room change To: freda@cs.nyu.edu, gottlieb@cs.nyu.edu I goofed in a major way on this. I'm terribly sorry. But I'm going to make it right. I had lined up room 713 Main, but for the WRONG timeslot. Luckily, miraculously, although there were NO available rooms in all of Washington Square, the STERN people, whose rooms are not part of the NYU general classroom pool, came through w/ a room on the first floor of the MEC building, right across the quad. So I'll announce this w/ profoundest apologies, but on the positive side, students who come to the regular classroom will have a much shorter trip, and will not have to take an elevator. The new room is MEC 1-60 (on the first floor). anina 6 OCT Just for one day 7 oct class is moved to 713 main building. Repeat this is for ONE DAY ONLY. 2 Oct 97 My week of 27-31 oct is complicated. Worse, what I said in class tuesday 30 sept was wrong My offices hours for THE WEEK OF 27-31 OCT ONLY is wed (29 oct) 3-5 PM