ORGANIZER: Dr. Wenping Wang Tel: (852) 2859 7074 Fax: (852) 2559 8447 E-mail: URL: Office: CYC421, HKU Main Campus, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Mailing: Department of Computer Science and Information Systems The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong ======================== FINAL PROGRAM OF HKU WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRIC COMPUTING ======================================================== HKU Workshop on Geometric Computing June 27-29, 2001 Theater C, Chow Yei Ching Building Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, China Organized by Department of Computer Science & Information Systems The University of Hong Kong In Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of HKU and the Faculty of Engineering of HKU +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DAY ONE: June 27, 2001, Wednesday 9:00 -- 12:30 (Coffee break: 10:30-11:00) Invited Lecture: Exact geometric computation: survey and tutorial by Chee Yap Courant Institute, New York University, USA 12:30 -- 14:00 LUNCH BREAK =========== 14:00 -- 17:30 (Coffee break: 15:30-16:00) Invited Lecture: Wu-Ritt's characteristic method and applications to CAGD by Xiaoshan Gao Institute of Systems Science, Academia Sinica 17:30 -- 18:00 Research Talk: An improved algorithm to compute the mu-basis of a rational curve by Falai Chen University of Science and Technology of China 18:15 -- 19:30 DINNER ====== End of Day One +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DAY TWO: June 28, 2001, Thursday 9:00 -- 12:30 (Coffee break: 10:30-11:00) Invited Lecture: Multi-sided Bezier patches by Ron Goldman Rice University, USA 12:30 -- 14:00 LUNCH BREAK =========== 14:00 -- 17:30 (Coffee break: 15:30-16:00) Invited Lecture: Computational line geometry by Helmut Pottmann Institute of Geometry Technical University Wien, Austria 17:30 -- 18:00 Research Talk: Computing surface areas of CSG objects with low discrepancy sequences by Wenping Wang The University of Hong Kong 18:15 -- 19:30 DINNER ====== End of Day Two ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DAY THREE: June 29, 2001, Friday 9:00 -- 9:30 Research Talk: ------------- Minkowski sum of two simple surfaces generated by slope-monotone closed curves by Myung-Soo Kim Seoul National University 9:30 -- 10:00 Research Talk: ------------- Constrained scaling of trimmed NURBS surfaces by Caiming Zhang Shandong University, China 9:30 -- 10:00 Research Talk: ------------- On subdivision surface reconstruction from sample data by Weiyin Ma City University of Hong Kong 10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK ============ 11:00 -- 11:30 Research Talk: ------------- Reconstruction of 3D object from wireframe by Jiaye Wang Shandong University, China 11:30 -- 12:00 Research Talk: ------------- Parallel Dixon matrix by bracket by Eng Wee Chionh National University of Singapore 12:00 -- 12:30 Research Talk: ------------- Geometric constraint solving: methods and applications by Xiaoshan Gao Institute of Systems Science, Academia Sinica 12:30 -- 14:00 LUNCH ===== END of Day Three +++++++++++++++++ END of Workshop Program +++++++++++++++++++++++