import pylab import matplotlib.axes3d as axes3d from numpy import * from myarray import * from direct_linear_2d import surface_editing_2d def get_coord_val( event ): assert len( fixed ) == 1 if event.button != 2: return None ## get_coord() doesn't work #return get_coord( event ), fixed.values()[0] return fixed.keys()[0], get_value( event ) def get_value( event ): return float( event.y ) / ax3d.bbox.height() def get_coord( event ): ''' For some reason, event.xdata and event.ydata are wrong, so I can't use these. ''' colcoord = int( round( event.xdata ) ) rowcoord = int( round( event.ydata ) ) if colcoord < 0 or colcoord >= num_cols: return None if rowcoord < 0 or rowcoord >= num_rows: return None return (colcoord, rowcoord) # on mouse button down, enable mouse motion callback # and update the surface def on_press(event): global motion_id print( 'press', event.xdata, event.ydata ) coord_val = get_coord_val( event ) if coord_val: # enable callback for dragging motion_id = pylab.connect('motion_notify_event', on_motion) update_fixed( *coord_val ) # on mouse button release, desable motion callback def on_release(event): global motion_id pylab.disconnect(motion_id) # mouse motion callback: update fixed point position, # recompute the surface and redraw the plot def on_motion(event): print( 'motion', event.xdata, event.ydata ) coord_val = get_coord_val( event ) if coord_val: update_fixed( *coord_val ) def on_key(event): ''' Handles key press events. ''' assert len( fixed ) == 1 N = num_rows M = num_cols ( row,col ), val = fixed.items()[0] if event.key == 'left': col = max( 2, min( M-3, col - 1 ) ) elif event.key == 'right': col = max( 2, min( M-3, col + 1 ) ) elif event.key == 'down': row = max( 2, min( N-3, row - 1 ) ) elif event.key == 'up': row = max( 2, min( N-3, row + 1 ) ) else: return update_fixed( ( row, col ), val ) def update_fixed( coord, val ): global fixed, deformed, ax3d # change fixed point fixed = { coord: val } print fixed # recompute the surface, and update surface data in the plot object deformed = surface_editing_2d( fixed, undeformed, h ) ax3d.cla() #surf = ax3d.plot_surface(xs, ys, deformed) surf = ax3d.plot_wireframe(xs, ys, deformed) surf.set_array(linspace(0, 1.0, 100)) ax3d.set_xlim( 0, num_cols ) ax3d.set_ylim( 0, num_rows ) ax3d.set_zlim( 0, 1 ) ax3d.set_xlabel( "X" ) ax3d.set_ylabel( "Y" ) ax3d.set_zlabel( "Z" ) pylab.draw() # number of sample points on the curve num_cols = 20 num_rows = 20 # initial positions of curve points: all zeros # in this version of the code, only the first and the last 2 are used undeformed = zerosf((num_rows,num_cols)) # step h = 1 # intial position for a fixed point in the center fixed = {(num_rows//2,num_cols//2): 1.0} # solve for positions satisfying this constraint deformed = surface_editing_2d(fixed, undeformed, h) fig = pylab.gcf() ax3d = axes3d.Axes3D(fig) plt = fig.axes.append(ax3d) xs,ys = meshgrid(range(num_cols),range(num_rows)) update_fixed( fixed.keys()[0], fixed.values()[0] ) # initially, no callback for mouse motion motion_id = 0 # callback for mouse button press and release press_id = pylab.connect('button_press_event', on_press) release_id = pylab.connect('button_release_event', on_release) keypress_id = pylab.connect('key_press_event', on_key)