Google Translate fails on simple sentences: First version September-December 2016

Ernie Davis

Note: Systran is here.
Microsoft is here.

This collection should under no circumstances be taken as any kind of serious benchmark. Not only is it very small, but, as the title indicates, it was originally formed as a collection where Google Translate, specifically, failed; hence, it is inherently unfair to Google Translate. It is just an unsystematic collection of translation problems that seem like they should be easy, but trip up Google Translate and other machine translation programs as of fall 2016. I intend to check these intermittently to see what progress has been made. Microsoft Translate hedges its bets by producing two translations (sometimes the same).

  1. Fr: Maria mange son dîner.
    En correct: Maria eats her dinner.
    GT En. 11/16/16 Maria eats her dinner. [Correct]
    Bing En. 11/16/16 Maria eats his dinner.
    Systran. 10/17/16 Maria eats his dinner.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Maria eats his dinner. Maria eats her dinner [Correct].

  2. En: The girls danced and they sang a song.
    Fr correct: Les filles ont dansé et elles ont chanté une chanson.
    GT Fr. 10/16/16 Les filles ont dansé et ils ont chanté une chanson.
    GT Fr. 12/15/16 Les filles dansaient et elles chantaient une chanson. [Correct].
    Bing Fr. 10/16/16 Les filles dansent et ils ont chanté une chanson.
    Systran. 10/17/16. Les filles danced et sang une chanson.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Les filles dansent et ils ont chanté une chanson. Les filles dansaient et chantaient une chanson. [Correct]

    If you turn the sentence around, "The girls sang a song and they danced." then Systran gives "Les fille chantent une chanson et elles danced."

  3. Fr: Nous sommes lundi. [It's an odd idiom.]
    En: Today is Monday.
    GT and Bing En. 9/28/16; GT 12/15/16. We are Monday.
    Systran. 10/17/16. It is Monday [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. We're on Monday. We are Monday.

  4. En: Maria is my friend.
    Fr: Maria est mon amie. [Note: the masculine possessive pronoun is standard here, for reasons of euphony.]
    GT and Bing En. 9/29/16. Maria est mon ami.
    Analogously Spanish, Italian.
    GT 12/15/16. Maria est mon amie. [Correct]
    GT Hebrew: Maria hi (fem.) ha-haver (masc.) sheli.
    Systran. 10/17/16. Maria est mon ami.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Maria est mon ami. Maria est mon amie.

  5. En: The telephone is working.
    De: Das Telefon funktioniert.
    GT and Bing De: (9.29/16) Das Telefon arbeitet.
    GT 12/15/16. Das Telefon funktioniert. [Correct]
    Systran. 10/17/16. Das Telefon funktioniert. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Das Telefon funktioniert. Das Telefon funktioniert. [Both correct]
    [Note: On 6/9/2015, GT gave the correct translation. See Davis & Marcus, CACM article.]

  6. En: The telephone in Maria's bedroom is working.
    Fr. Le téléphone dans la chambre de Maria fonctionne.
    GT and Bing Fr. 9/29/16. Le téléphone dans la chambre de Maria travaille.
    Analogously Spanish and Italian.
    GT Fr. 12/15/16. Le téléphone dans la chambre de Maria fonctionne. [Correct]
    Systran 10/17/16 Le téléphone dans la chambre de Maria fonctionne. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Le téléphone dans la chambre de Maria fonctionne. Le téléphone dans la chambre de Maria fonctionne.

  7. En: The electrician who is talking on the telephone is working.
    Fr: L'électricien qui parle au téléphone travaille.
    GT Fr 9/29/16: L'électricien qui parle sur le téléphone fonctionne.
    GT Fr 12/15/16: L'électricien qui parle au téléphone fonctionne.
    Bing Fr 9/29/16 L'électricien qui parle au téléphone fonctionne.
    Systran Fr: L'électricien qui parle au téléphone travaille. [Correct]
    Systran De: 10/17/16. Die The, die über die Telefon reden, arbeiten.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. L'électricien qui parle au téléphone travaille. [Correct] L'électricien qui parle au téléphone travaille.

  8. Fr: Elles
    Sp: Ellas
    GT and Bing Sp 9/29/16 and GT 12/15/16: Ellos.
    Interestingly GT 9/29/16 correctly translates Sp;"Ellas" as Fr:"Elles"
    Bing translates Sp:"Ellas" incorrectly as Fr:"Eux".
    Systran 10/17/16. Ellas [Correct]. However, translating Sp: Ellas to Fr. it gives "Leur" (wrong).
    Microsoft Translate Sp. 11/16/16. They [sic]. Ellos. Translating Ellas (Sp) to French it offers "Eux" and "les", both wrong.

  9. Fr. Il pense l'avoir aimer.
    En. He thinks he loved her.
    GT En. 9/30/16: It think I love.
    GT En. 12/15/16: He thinks he loves her.
    Bing En. 9/30/16. It think I have love.
    Systran 10/17/16. He thinks he loved her. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. It think I have love. He thinks he likes him [both wrong, as far as I know].

  10. Fr. Est-ce qu'Hélène et Marie sont soeurs?
    En. Are Helen and Mary sisters?
    GT En. 9/30/16 Is Helen and Mary are sisters?
    GT En 12/15/16 Are Hélène and Marie sisters? [Correct]
    Bing Fr. 9/30/16. This is what Helen and Mary are sisters.
    Systran 10/17/16. Are Helen and Mary sisters [Correct]?
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Are Helen and Marie sisters? [Correct] This is what Helen and Marie are sisters?

  11. Fr. Combien d'enfants ont Michel et Jacqueline?
    En. How many children do Michael and Jacqueline have?
    GT En. 9/30/16. How many children Michael and Jacqueline?
    GT En 12/15/16. How many children have Michel and Jacqueline [Correct, but stilted].
    Bing En. 9/30/16. Michel and Jacqueline have how many children?
    Systran 10/17/16. How many children have Michel and Jacqueline? [Correct, though stilted].
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Michel and Jacqueline have how many children? How many children have Michel and Jacqueline? [Both correct, though awkward]

  12. Fr. Avoir un enfant sans être marié est très commun.
    En. Having a child without being married is very common.
    GT En 9/30/16. Have a child without being married is very common.
    GT En 12/15/16. Having a child without being married is very common. i [Correct]
    Bing: It is very common to have a child without being married (Correct).
    Systran 10/17/16 Having a child without being married is very common. [Correct].
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Having a child without being married is very common. It is very common to have a child without being married. [Both correct].

  13. Fr. Combien de petits-fils ont ils?
    En. How many grandsons do they have?
    GT En. 9/30/16. How many grandchildren son were they?
    GT En. 12/15/16. How many grandsons have they? (Right, but stilted).
    Bing En. 9/30/16. How many grandsons have they? (Right, but stilted).
    Systran 10/17/16 How many grandsons do they have? [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 How many grandsons have they? How many grandsons have they? [Both correct but stilted].

  14. Fr. Les clés sont à ma mére.
    En. The keys belong to my mother.
    GT, Bing En 9/30/16. GT 12/15/16 The keys are to my mother.
    Systran 10/17/16. The keys are my own.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 The keys are to my mother. The keys are to my mother.

  15. En. I am eighteen.
    Fr. J'ai dix-huit ans.
    GT Fr. 9/30/16, 12/15/16. J'ai dix-huit ans. (Correct)
    Bing Fr. 9/30/16. I ' m eighteen. [sic, with a space on both sides of the apostrophe].
    Systran 10/17/16. Je suis dix-huit. [Wrong, as far as I know.]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. J'ai dix-huit ans [Correct]. I ' m eighteen [sic, with spaces on either side of the apostrophe.

  16. Fr. Mais ça n'a l'air très amusant.
    En. But it does not seem very amusing.
    GT En. 10/1/16. But it has the air fun.
    GT En 12/15/16/ But it does look very fun.
    Bing En. 10/1/16. But it looks very fun.
    Systran 10/17/16. But it looks very funny.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 But it looks very amusing. But it looks very fun.

  17. Fr. Plus le visage est sérieux, plus le sourire est beau.
    En. The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile.
    GT En. 10/1/16. More serious is the face, smile more beautiful
    GT En. 12/15/16 The more serious the face, the smile is beautiful.
    Bing En. 10/1/16. More the face is serious, more of the smile is beautiful.
    Systran 10/17/16. The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile is [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate 11/16/16. The more the face is serious, the more beautiful the smile. [Correct, though a little awkward.] More the face is serious, more of the smile is beautiful.

  18. Fr. Il n'a jamais été ingénieur.
    En. He was never an engineer.
    GT Fr. 10/1/16. It has never been an engineer.
    GT Fr 12/15/16. He was never an engineer. [Correct]
    Bing Fr. 10/1/16. He was never an engineer. [Correct]
    Systran 10/17/16. He has never been an engineer. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. He was never an engineer. He's never been an engineer. [Both correct]

  19. Fr. Ne manque pas de m'ecrire!
    En. Do not fail to write to me.
    GT En, 10/1/16. No shortage of writing me.
    GT En. 12/15/16. Do not fail to write me. [Correct. Actually I had a debate on FB about this; the British think this is an Americanism]
    Bing En, 10/1/16. No lack of me write.
    Systran 10/17/16. Don't miss me!
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. No lack of me write! Don't fail to write me [Correct]

  20. Fr. Il n'y a qu'un an que je suis dans ce secteur.
    En. I have only been in this sector for a year (?).
    GT En 10/1/16. There is a year that I am in this sector.
    GT En 12/15/16. I have only been in this sector for a year. [Correct]
    Bing En. 10/1/16. There is only one year that I'm in this sector
    Systran 10/17/16. I have been in this sector for only one year.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. There is only one year that I'm in this sector. I'm in this area just a year ago.

  21. Fr. Vous vous êtes mis en congé.
    En. You took a leave.
    GT En. 10/1/16. You've put on leave.
    GT En 12/15/16. You went on leave. [Correct]
    Bing En. 10/1/16. If you wish to leave.
    Systran 10/17/16. You went on leave. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. You've been on leave [Correct]. If you wish to leave.

  22. En. Pierre's parents miss him.
    Fr. Pierre manque à ses parents. Alternatively: Il manque à les parents de Pierre.
    GT Fr. 10/16/16 and 12/15/16. Les parents de Pierre lui manquent.
    Bing Fr. 10/16/16. Les parents de Pierre lui manquer.
    Systran 10/17/16 Les parents de Pierre lui manquent.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Les parents de pierre lui manquent. Les parents de pierre lui manquer.

  23. Fr. Le policier dit "Au revoir" et il me donne congé.
    En. The policeman says "Goodbye" and he releases me.
    GT Fr. and Bing Fr. 10/16/16. The policemen said "Goodbye" and it gives me leave.
    [Note: The choice of the past tense is fine, and "gives me leave" is not far off; the problem is the pronoun.]
    GT Fr. 12/15/16 The policemen said "Goodbye" and he gives me leave.
    Systran 10/17/16. The policeman says "Goodbye" and he gives me leave. [OK].
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 The policemen said "Goodbye" and it gives me leave. The cop said "Goodbye" and he gives me leave.

  24. Fr: Chaque fois que Marie dit "Je t'aime", je suis heureux.
    En: Whenever Mary says "I love you", I'm happy.
    GT En. 10/16/16. Whenever Mary said "I love you", I'm happy.
    GT En. 12/15/16. Every time Mary says "I love you," I'm happy. [Correct]
    Bing En. 10/16/16. Whenever Mary says "I love you", I'm happy. [Correct]
    Systran 10/17/16. Every time Mary says "I love you," I'm happy. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Whenever Mary says "I love you", I'm happy. Whenever Mary says "I love you", I'm happy. [Correct]

  25. En: They were pregnant.
    Fr: Elles étaient enceintes.
    GT Fr 10/17/16 and 12/15/16. Ils étaient enceintes.
    Bing Fr 10/17/16. Qu'elles étaient enceintes.
    Systran 10/17/16. Ils étaient enceintes.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Qu'elles étaient enceintes. Ils étaient enceintes.
    Thanks to Richard Socher.
    Similarly, all four programs translate "They" as "Ils" in "They have beautiful breasts" and "They all have healthy ovaries". (12/4/16).

  26. Sp: No es bueno dormir mucho
    En: It is not good to sleep a lot.
    GT En 10/23/16. Not good sleep much.
    GT En 12/15/16: It is not good to sleep a lot [Correct].
    Bing En 10/23/16. It is not good to sleep much. [Correct]
    Systen En 10/23/16. It's not good sleeping a lot. [Barely adequate]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. It's not good to sleep much. [Correct]. Not is good sleep much.
    Example from Could the Language Barrier Actually Fall Within the Next 10 Years? by David Arbesú, New Republic, March 28, 2016.

  27. En. The sheep with the soft black wool are asleep.
    Fr. Les moutons avec la laine noire douce dorment.
    GT Fr. 10/23/16 Le mouton avec la laine noire douce sont endormis.
    GT Fr. 12/15/16 Les moutons avec la douce laine noire dorment. [Correct]
    Bing Fr. 10/23/16. Le mouton avec la laine noire doux est endormi.
    Systran Fr. 10/23/16. Les moutons avec la laine noire molle dorment. [Correct]
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Les moutons avec la laine noire molle dorment. [Correct] Le mouton avec la laine noire molle est endormi.

  28. En. The sheep with the soft black wool is asleep.
    Sp. La oveja con la lana negra suave está durmiendo.
    GT Sp. 10/23/16. Las ovejas con la lana negra suave está dormido.
    GT Sp. 10/23/16. La oveja con la suave lana negra está dormido. [Correct]
    Bing Sp. 10/23/16. Las ovejas con la lana negra suave está durmiendo.
    Systran Sp. 10/23/16 Las ovejas con la lana negra suave están dormiendo.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Las ovejas con la lana negra blanda duermen. Las ovejas con la lana negra suave está durmiendo.

  29. En. The shepherd sheared all the sheep.
    Fr. Le berger cisaillé tous les moutons.
    GT Fr. 10/23/16 Le berger cisaillé tous les moutons. [Correct].
    GT Fr. 12/15/16 Le berger cisaillé toutes les brebis. [Still correct].
    Bing Fr. 10/23/16. Le berger tondus tous les moutons. [?? the form of "tondus" seems strange to me]
    Systran Fr. 10/23/16. Le berger sheared tous les moutons.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16 Le berger tondus tous les moutons. Le berger a cisaillement tous les moutons [Correct].

  30. En. She is very rude.
    Fr. Elle est très impoli.
    GT Fr. 10/23/16 Elle est très désagréable. [Correct]
    Bing Fr. 10/23/16. Elle est très rude.
    Systran Fr. 10/23/16. Elle est très rude.
    Microsoft Translate. 11/16/16. Elle est très grossière. [Correct]. Elle est très rude.

  31. Fr. La copine de mon père mange son dîner.
    English. My father's girlfriend eats her dinner.
    GT, Bing 11/22/16, GT 12/15/16. My father's girlfriend eats his dinner.
    Systran. 11/22/16. My father's girlfriend eats her dinner [Correct].
    Microsoft Translate. My dad's girlfriend eats his dinner. My father's girlfriend eats his dinner.

    If you change it to L'amie de mon père mange son dîner (My father's friend (f.) eats her dinner.), all four translators give "his dinner" including both solutions from Microsoft.