Jan 22: Internet architecture: Design philosophy, Why the Internet only just works, How to read
Notes: Overview, Design philosophy notes, Just works notes
Jan 29: End-host-based resource allocation: Congestion avoidance and control, BBR
Notes: Project resources, Project ideas, Project logistics, Congestion avoidance notes, BBR notes
Scribe notes
Feb 5: Internet routing: Lecture notes on Internet routing, Stable Internet routing, Software-defined Internet Exchange
Notes: BGP notes
Scribe notes
Notes: SDX and Espresso notes
Scribe notes
Feb 12: Overlay networks: Resilient Overlay Networks, Skyplane
Feb 19: Software defined networking: Ethane, OpenFlow
Notes: Ethane and OpenFlow notes
Scott Shenker's talk
Scribe notes
Feb 26: Programmable networks: RMT, P4
Notes: RMT and P4 notes
March 5: Datacenters: VL2, DCTCP
Notes: VL2 and DCTCP notes
Scribe notes
Mar 12: Host networking: Datacenter tax, NanoPU
Mar 19: In-class Midterm
Mar 26: Spring break
April 2: Network verification: Header space analysis, Minesweeper
April 9: Network security: The matter of heartbleed, The great firewall
Notes: Heartbleed notes
Scribe notes
Scribe notes
April 16: Video streaming: Buffer-based rate adaptation, Puffer
April 23: Peer-to-peer applications: Kademlia, IPFS
April 30: Cellular networks: Sprout, Operational 5G
Notes: Sprout and LTEye notes
Scribe notes
TBD, Final Exam |
Other links: past exams:
2018 solutions;
sample questions;
Midterm 2021 solutions;
Impact of COVID on the Internet |