New York University
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Computer Science
CS102 Data Structures
Topics, Agenda, Syllabus and Learning Objectives
Course Name CS102 Data Structures
Prof. Anasse Bari
Click here for details about Office Hours
Course Description
The subject of this course is data structures and algorithms. A data structure is an arrangement of data in a computer s memory (or sometimes in a disk). In this course, you will learn ways to structure and arrange data in computer s memory that includes arrays, linked lists, stacks, trees, hashtables, and graphs. Algorithms manipulate that data in these structures in various ways, such as searching for a data element and sorting a set of data elements. In this class you will learn several concepts including how organize data elements, how to delete, insert, edit and search for a data element in a specific data structure and how to sort a set of data elements. You will also learn the differences between different data structures and when to use the right ones to solve problems.
An engineer is constantly solving problems. You will be introduced in this class to practical problems to solve using data structures such as utilizing data structures such as linked-lists, trees and arrays to implement a course registration tool, storing and sorting courses and students information data, modeling social network data using a graph data structure, and applying sorting and graph algorithms to analyze social network data (e.g. potential online community detection)
The programming language adopted in this class is Java, at the beginning of the semester you will have a review of the object oriented programming paradigm and some of its features such as inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism.
Course Notes
Additional Online Resources
Chapter Zero: Motivation in Learning Data Structures
In class brief discussion around programming, data structures, data science, big data and the job market
Reading: Want to Work at Google or Facebook? Here s What You Need to Know
Chapter One: Introduction to Data Structures
Defining Data in the Context of Data Structures
Defining the term Algorithm in the Context of Data Structures
Defining the Concept of Data Structures
Outlining Examples of Data Structures
Defining the Need for Data Structures
Learning the basics of Algorithms Design
Learning how to Express Algorithms in Pseudo-code
Practicing Developing Algorithms in Pseudo-code
Chapter Two: Review of the Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
Sample code needed for HW1 on Simple File I/O and Serialization in Java
Sample Code discussed in class:
For Interfaces Coding Example see Practice Two
For Polymorphism Examples see Chapter Two notes on the Instrument, Drum, Horn Examples
Objectives (Review of 101s Part on OOP)
Introducing the motivation behind the creation of the object-oriented paradigm
Learning the concept of the class, object (state, behavior and identity), and abstraction
Differentiating between the procedural programming paradigm and the object-oriented programming paradigm
The benefits of using the object-oriented paradigm
Introducing object, classes, constructors, getters, setters, member variables... by designing a phone book directory using the Object-Oriented Programming
Introducing immutable objects and classes
Learning the concept of variable scope, the this references
Introducing abstraction and encapsulation and object composition
Designing a stack class
Learning how to design a class and designing wrapper class for primitive data types
Introducing BigInteger and BigDecimal Classes
Introducing the concepts of encapsulation and inheritance
Learning the super keyword, superclass methods and data fields
Introducing the concept of polymorphism
Learning how to use interfaces and abstract classes in Java
Introducing the comparable java interface
Introducing casting and instance of
Understanding when to use an interface or an abstract class
Readings: Chapter One from the Book
Additional Resources to Read:
What is Object Oriented Programming? By Andrew Virnuls
Chapter Five from the textbook is an assigned reading for this chapter.
Attachment: Binary Recursion Tree on Finding Global Minimum
Additional Reading: Introduction to Recursion, Eric Roberts (from page 176 to 184)
Defining recursion
Understanding the motivation behind recursion
Introducing recursion as a problem-solving tool
Learning the key principles behind recursion
Understanding the distinction between recursion and iterative based solutions
Learning recursion trough examples
Introducing the stack data structure as a support data structure for recursive calls
Understanding and applying recursive principles with binary recursion
Chapter Four: Algorithm Analysis and Big-O Notation
Learning how to apply the proper analytical frameworks in examining the running time of algorithms
Defining algorithm analysis
Understanding the role of primitive operators
Understand Big-O notation and time complexity concepts
Chapter Five: Sorting and Searching Algorithms
TED talk to see: What's the fastest way to alphabetize your bookshelf? - Chand John
Reviewing linear search and binary search
Introducing the big picture: the importance of sorting algorithms and their practical applications
Learning about major sorting algorithms (bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort)
Practicing binary recursion through recursive sorting
Analyzing the running time of sorting algorithms using recurrence relations
Linked List Part II: Postfix, Infix, Queues and Stacks
Important take home practice exercise (no need to submit it): Write a program to convert a infix notation into postfix notation (you can follow the algorithm discussed in class and mentioned in the Linked Lists Part II), also consider going the brackets problem in the notes using a Stack.
Source code discussed in class and highly recommended to implement for your own review:
Generic types based Queue implemented as LinkedList
Notice that the implementation of the generic LinkedList LinkedList<node> and its implementation along with the iterator class implementation are mentioned in the slides form chapter 6.
More on Lists from the source Oracle
Chapter Seven: Arrays and Array Lists (comparison to LinkedList) discussed in class
A Quick Introduction to Graphs (A tree is a special case of a Graph)
Definition of Trees
Rooted Trees
Binary Trees
Binary Search Trees
Recursive Pseudo-code on Trees
Chapter Eleven: The Choice of the Right Data Structure for the Right Problem (Handout distributed in class)
Sample interview questions that are mainly based on algorithms and data structures:
Amazon and Google interview questions about data structures:
Important Online Sources:
What is Java? A Brief History about Java
Top 25 Most Frequently Asked Interview Core Java Interview Questions and Answers
Practice Exercises and Solutions